Mind Matters Most - Chapter Ten

Mind Matters Most - Chapter Ten

A Chapter by Tusitala Tom

MMM 010

A hierarchy of ever higher planes

On my bookshelves there is an old paperback which is falling apart from age and use.   Its glued in pages have dried out and the paper is beginning to yellow, but still I hang onto it and, from time to time, open it to read.  It’s called After We Die, What Then?  It was written by George W. Meek in the late 1970s.   I bought it in 1985.   Moreover, there is no doubt in my mind that this book not only clarified a lot for me, it has had its influence on my thinking down the years.

Of course, I was already a ‘seeker’ well before that book came into my possession.  My passion for learning about our real selves and about our immortality or otherwise began in earnest as far back as late 1968, when I discovered my gift of automatic writing.   But to get back to George Meek’s book.  

George’s contacts in the ‘spirit world’ told him of a ‘hierarchy’ of ever higher planes of existence in which souls, at these  higher levels, had reached such a stage of spiritual advancement  that they no longer had form or shape as we know it, but who could still contact and influence us if we were open and ready to listen.   These spiritual beings could become our guidance, if we truly wished it.   But we had to be sincere in that wish.

This seemed to ring true in much later books such as The Amazing Power of Positive Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) in which ‘Abraham’ is actually a number of spiritual beings acting in concert �" or as a team �" to help dictate through Esther Hicks (a medium or channeler) their messages for us humans on this much lower vibrational plane, Planet Earth.   It is a case of the advanced teaching the not so advanced.  I have seen Ester Hicks on stage answering questions put to her by members of a huge audience and the veracity of her answers is very similar to my own communications from Higher Self.

Yes, it has been my own experience to be contacted by beings of varying planes.  These have ranged from the nearest �" what George Meek called the Lowest Astral �" to the Highest Astral and possibly the Mental-Causal Planes and the Cosmic Planes beyond.   Meek listed seven planes in all as far as we  humans are concerned.   They ranged from the gross, lower frequency planes to the highest or subtlest.

There is constant contact with all Humanity through our deep subconscious

In my earliest years I was contacted via automatic writing by persons recently deceased, or still alive but sleeping in their beds.  I gradually moved up to spiritual beings who  now live on higher planes than those that can normally contacted by most mediums.    In my book, Ghost Guidance & Automatic Writing, which I wrote way back in the early 1970s �" and revised over the years �" I was contacted by many famous and not so famous personages ranging across a wide variety of worldly interests.    First it was simply family or deceased friends.  Later came persons of note.  Some of the information was quite profound some quite mundane.   I was told that the quality of contact depends on the level of spiritual development of the channeler.

Beyond the physical our thoughts also create our reality, only more rapidly

Nearly all of these ‘spiritual entities’ were introduced to me through my then spiritual guide, UR.  Indeed, I began to trust UR to the extent that I left it up to him to determine who could and could not contact me.  I did this because I realized both my vulnerability and sensitivity to influences from these ‘other worlds.’  I wanted to be kept from interference from entities I thought might not have my best interests at heart.  

The plane nearest to us is the Lower Astral and this is where people who are in a ‘state of hell’ go when they die.   The hell is of their own mental making, for in these planes beyond and above the Earth Plane, we quickly materialize our surroundings by our thoughts.   Moreover, the inference is that our environment is maintained by these thoughts.   Our thoughts create it.   As like attracts like, it is not difficult to comprehend that the mass thought of many troubled souls can create a ‘hell of an environment.’   Some areas on earth reflect this.  However, when such persons eventually change their thinking, they then ascend to higher levels where life gets more pleasant.  In other words, an ascent from a hell to a heaven occurs.   People do not go to hell forever, or to heaven for ever as is so often depicted in certain religious teachings.     And as we move from one plane to another you could label this a sort of Reincarnation.

This is speculation and hypothesis on my part, of course.  However, I cannot say I disagree with it.  It makes good sense to me that our creator �" God �" would not limit Herself, Himself, Itself to one plane of existence determined by narrow frequency spectrums such as those of our sight, sound and the like.   I’m a firm believer that there are illimitable universes.  I’m also of the opinion that God, through an illimitable number of sentient beings with senses well beyond our ken experiences Himself/Herself/Itself through those beings �"as He does through us.

We are all connected

Which brings me back to these various vibrational planes of existence - the different universes.    George Meeks lists them as follows as far as their influence upon us through our conscious and subconscious minds.   Remember, we are all connected and all One at a very deep part of our being.   Acts of obsession can come down to us from the Lowest Astral Planes.   It was postulated by a friend of mine that Charles Manson, the man responsible for those dreadful acts of murder undertaken by his ‘tribe’ of followers, and who was sentenced to life imprisonment, was himself a victim of  ‘acts of obsession’ by the evil entity or entities which possessed him.   It has even been suggested that Adolph Hitler might have also been obsessed by evil spirits.    It was said that from Manson’s doodles on paper whilst undergoing trial, by handwriting experts that maybe he was possessed.   Perhaps it was ascertained the scribbles bore little resemblance to his normal handwriting.  Maybe Manson was possessed.  Then maybe he wasn’t.  However, Manson was certainly responsible for any decisions he took on whatever thoughts entered into his mind.   The actions we take on our thoughts are our responsibility whether we admit to it or not.   The childlike plea of “You made me do it,” doesn’t stand up in a court of law.   Still, it must be remembered that in ignorance many evils are done, and are still done, by people who have words and ideas put into their minds by others.

Where most of us go

The Middle Astral Planes are, apparently, where most of us go �" that is our souls travel to and reside in �" when we die.   As I said earlier, I have had many contacts from such levels.   Some of these were people I’d hardly heard of, others were famous in their fields.   This led me to think, “Who am I that such famous and important personages would want to contact me?  Is this an ego trip?”   However, once it became apparent that they, too, were contacting me from unconscious aspects of their being, it began to become clear that a famous person �" in fact all of us �" actually radiate thoughts from ourselves at many levels even after death.   I did not have to be communicating with the conscious part of a person now dead, just a certain essence or level of that person.   Bit like a radio broadcasting station going out on many frequencies or channels at the same time.

I have in my book, Ghost Guidance & Automatic Writing communications from an actor, an economist, a medico, a politician or statesman, a writer, a psychiatrist and many other fields of expertise.   Some of these entities appeared in the book more than once.   Certainly they were interested in letting me and my readers know of their continued existence and what they still wished to offer the world. 

The higher level planes

The Highest Astral Planes are where those souls who have, by the exemplary lives they have lived, rise to when they die.   This plane or series of planes contain those persons who have the interests of others in their hearts.  They are the best of the best of us.  Such souls often provide us with spiritual advice.  They are our ‘helpers’ and teachers, providing us with general advice on how to live our lives well.   But they are not the be all and end all.

Above the Highest Astral Planes lie the Mental and Causal Planes.   These are inhabited by those who might be called our greater spiritual teachers.   Here live saintly souls, masters, guides, protectors.   And it is from these higher planes that I began to at last get advice on how to live my own life.    This began to flow to me around twenty or so years ago.   It was then, too, that I began to be accessed by my own Higher Self.  Or at least what identified itself as my Higher Self.

Channelling is far more common than you might think

The point being made by all of this is that everyone can access this spiritual guidance if they so wish.  If one man can do it so can all.   Certainly a great many people will do this.  A great many are doing it right now.    Neale Donald Walsch’s bestselling series of books, Conversations With God, only popularized in the late 1990s what had been happening for decades, possibly hundreds of years.   A great many spiritual mediums �" later to be called channelers �" were taking down messages via the automatic pen.  All the dozens or so books purported to have come from the Tibetan through Alice Bailey which made up much of the literature of the Theosophical Society came that way.  These were automatic writings from way back in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.  It is postulated that a lot of the writings in our holiest of books were recorded in this way.

Willingness, patience and an open mind is all that is needed

So what has all of this to do with the title of this book, Mind Matters Most?   It means that we can link to the All, through our subconscious mind if we are willing to give it a try.   We can prove for ourselves, without the help or input of of anyone else on this plane of existence, that we are a part of the Whole.  We don’t need priests or clergymen or even psychologists to tell us about our spirituality.  We can prove it to ourselves, and thus save ourselves a lot of doubt and possibly anguish.  We can demonstrate to our own satisfaction that we are immortal souls having an Earth Plane experience.  The corollary is that there is some meaning to it all, even if we don’t know what it is specifically.   And we can do it through our minds �" our open minds �" by our willingness to not shut off the possibility by refusing to consider let alone try.   We can all communicate with our own Higher Selves, the part of ourselves which is the Spark of the Divine within us.

Yes, such communication might not come easily to all.   But it will come to all of us eventually.   We humans are moving upwards and forwards to a bigger, grander experience of being human. Moreover this is happening whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.  It is happening.   So why not ‘go with the flow.’  It is far easier.   As a writer, all I ask is that you keep an open mind and let the All Mighty which is your personal spark of spirit, your life force, your very essence, take you to greater and greater spheres of living.   Your first step is to will it.

© 2014 Tusitala Tom

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Added on June 30, 2014
Last Updated on June 30, 2014


Tusitala Tom
Tusitala Tom

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The word, Tusitala, means Storyteller in Polynesian. A friend gave me that title because I attended his club several times and presented stories there. I have told stories orally before audiences si.. more..
