Dysfunctional All

Dysfunctional All

A Poem by Amanda

...i just want to know why, but it is too late...




Dysfunctional All


Why does it seem

After all the time

That has transpired,

You still haunt my presence?

With what has been

And in the past,

You still exist,

As if you were here…

The pain you caused,

Not just to me

But to my siblings,

As if we were nothing…

Did we mean that little to you?

Were we nothing but a namesake?

Something that you could say

Were yours alone…

Objects to abuse at your will?

Mother was no help,

Until it was too late,

The damage was done…

Now you are gone,

Too far to return the favor,

Left are we now,

Dysfunctional all,

Dealing with the past,

Trying to live for the future,

In a present that doesn’t understand.

© 2009 Amanda

Author's Note

it seems that sometimes, years later, you can learn something that wasn't common knowledge amongst your siblings and yourself....i had such a revelation when talking to mine and finding that you were not the only one that was abused....

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Featured Review

This is such a different topic on which you have written Amanda...
These kind of problems are still present in our society and it makes me sad everytime I hear or read about them.
I never knew that you have also gone through this, this poem has showed us a different side of you...
Thanks a lot for sharing it here...
Great work,as always :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Wow this is a very emotional poem with a lot of meaning and a relatable theme. Thank you for sharing this it will defiantly help others who have gone through the same�


Posted 15 Years Ago

Brilliant write, and yet unfortunately, these are the results of abuse to children growing up. Even
after children are grown the affects linger and spread out affecting other relationships....

"Did we mean that little to you?
Were we nothing but a namesake?"

I wonder this as well sometimes when I view parents who do nothing but abuse and neglect their children.
It's too bad God doesn't proctor a test or something for "could be" parents before impregnation!

Great write once again Amanda!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Amanda. I am deeply moved by this. Let me think and I will write back something that may help you. Ron

Posted 15 Years Ago

My grandfather was a bit of a puzzle. I know my father was not close to him. And when I asked my aunt about him all she wld say was 'He was a monkey'. A sort of 'don't go there' barrier came down and I asked no further. I will never know now. The bit in your poem about the cause of the problems now being beyond you and your siblings was the most poignant part. So true how some people cause and mess and then conveniently shuffle off their own lives and leave others to deal with it. They are callous. Strong poem. Many will know where you are coming from.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I can never understand a a parent that would hurt their own child... the effects can have a lifetime effect even when they don't remember everything... very raw and powerful expression of the effects and questions such a devastating act brings.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Yes, when it is that which brings shame and questions, we are often silent about the abuse, and often takes it hides it inside.....then it may not surface for many, many years as the case with you! Sometimes, it is just that which we don't talk about, or don't understand, so we wish it to go away!
You have done a good job of speaking of the "unspeakable'!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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16 Reviews
Added on March 3, 2009



Austin, TX

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