Gods, Glass, Music

Gods, Glass, Music

A Poem by Andrew John



I hear the church bells

from not too great a distance.

I sit in my apartment,

the window is closed.


Yet this music seeps from the other side

of this glass, as though we could see it.

There is emotion, but no belief in gods;

a love of spirits that are not there.


A taste on the tongue may be sharp

yet can be welcomed by the mouth.

A piece of music that rattles

can bring pleasure to the ears, the heart.


Belief in gods may make us grin,

yet is it not a smile,

a welcome expression we adopt

as we do when hearing a chime?

(27 Feb 2024)

© 2024 Andrew John

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The idea of belief as a kind of reflex is intriguing. For most people it is a largely unexamined part of one’s upbringing, and the power of music to stir and manipulate emotion is definitely an element.

Posted 2 Months Ago

Oh andrew I love this one and the title Fits in I'm to tell you, lol hold your glass, I was living Tijuana Mex, mexicans love to party musicians loud and singing til 3 in the mornings this was a norm nobody complained because they would do the same, but one day a church move in at first everybody did a cross and the blessings god gave them until they did there Thing, i mean music and and sing, you could hear it all though the hood. They couldn't complain But cant do this everyday even sunday God rests so what do we do they sing every day,7 days a week so our elder says with wisdom, All we have To do is pull the plug, one womam with a roar, says we know that but give me an answer to solve this. Our Elder says, no I meant pull the plug, no money no honey. Lol thank you for this read with everything happening I had to.laugh.
Forgive me for mis spells or that left out, but as a write its the tought that counts.

Posted 4 Months Ago

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Thanks very much for your comments, Mauricio.
I am not a churchgoer. In fact I do not like organized religion. However, I very much like the sound of church bells, especially when we are boating. The echo is carried with the flow. Something really pure about that sound on a Sunday morning in Sonning. I am very spiritual and above all have an affinity with the natural environment. I enjoyed my visit Andrew.


Posted 5 Months Ago

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Thanks so much, Chris. Dunno whether you seen my "Chime". Am I repeating myself? Oh dear, if so! Tha.. read more
Chris Shaw

4 Months Ago

Gonna go and look :

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3 Reviews
Added on February 27, 2024
Last Updated on February 27, 2024
Tags: windows, bells, chime, music


Andrew John
Andrew John

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

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