But I still love you

But I still love you

A Poem by Imperfection

When you believe that the reason for the breakup is you, how do you carry on without your love�. This, unfortunately is true.


Very rarely does one come across

Someone as exceptional as you

I consider myself lucky that I did

I am grateful for the love you showered on me

For showing faith in me, like no one else

Slowly but steadily I moved closer to you

Shared my heart, enriched my soul

Trusted you with myself

I painted a very pretty picture

Of my future with you

Of our life together.


With your arms around me,

I got over the fears and the insecurities

That had been a part of me for so long

I was happy, I was eager

I was ready to start anew with you

I believed that I could overcome any obstacle

To make my dream come true

All along I was unaware that the biggest hurdle was me

I stumbled, I fell. And got up to a different self

I have lost you to my recklessness

I have stained your life

Sadly, I realized it too late

I have accepted my mistake

But I don’t ask to be forgiven

It’s too big a crime for that

So I have moved away

I hope you can move on

You haven't lost anything

For you are without something,

That wasn't worth having.

But I have lost happiness

The happiness that was made of you.

So, even though I cannot have you here by my side,

I still hold you close to my heart

The first thought on my mind is always Y-O-U

And I carry your memories everywhere I go

You are not with me today

But I will never be without you



© 2008 Imperfection

My Review

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Featured Review

OMG - I totally have chills. (sorry - the valley girl slipped out!) This is beautifully written with honesty and (I believe) integrity. I FELT this.

I can relate to it all. The pain and loneliness are here without whining. Excellent job.

I LOVED this line:
"I stumbled, I fell. And got up to a different self"

Posted 16 Years Ago

11 of 11 people found this review constructive.


Oh wow.This is beautifully written.Hearbreaking and hearfelt poem.Keep your head high though and things will get better.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh my that was very saddening. It was good too and the title had a perfect job conveying what you thought. Good job.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You are not with me today

But I will never be without you

sigh that just wants to make me cry thank you for sharing ...

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow,this is really good!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Losing a good thing and knowing it. Rough. An honest write that doesn't hold back.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. You make me want to cry reading this. So sad. Extremely well written and I love how, regardless of how much you miss this person and still love them, you are willing to own up to your mistakes even without forgiveness.

It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong, it takes an even bigger person to be sorry about it but understand that some things are too hard to forgive immediately. Someday that person may forgive you for your mistakes and the fact that you are willing to wait proves the type of person you are.

I commend you, not only on a poem well written, but on your ability to admit your wrong doings and pray more of the one who was wronged than your own happiness.

Wonderfully beautiful.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Wow. Very nicely put. I believe you may be the exception to the rule as far as men go :) great job!

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Ouchie, I get this feeling of both its ok doesnt really matter along with the ahhhhhhh smashing insides,, well ok perhaps its just me, but wow great write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I can understand the feelings being expressed here.. and while it's hard to say because I don't know the exact circumstances, when you make a mistake a certain degree of forgiveness has to be had, ya know? If it can never come from the person you feel you've wronged, at least let it come from yourself, huh? This is really relatable, and I dig that :)..

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is so gripping.....i felt every word of it inside.What a very emotional write....very powerful.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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85 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on February 13, 2008
Last Updated on April 3, 2008




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