she will be loved

she will be loved

A Poem by Nosce Te Ipsum

obsessions are a controlling power

they inflict so much love

and passion

and vengence

and envy

on one's heart

a huge city that never sleeps

one of many

opportunities are like an endless horizon

just as she said,

it is passion



and finding

but all in a beautiful way

a way she and i wish to chase

dreams we wish to come true

where do i even start?

the thing that has kept my soul alive

and crushed every dream i had

the being who breaks me

and tears me down

and destroys me like no other

here i sit,




the aura about her

is what tugs at my soul

because our souls are friends

he is lovely

even though i am supposed

to go against it now

he could have my soul

rip it apart

and unlike her

i would find myself

enjoying the pain of it

i want to run my fingers

across and through

his beard and chest

feel the shape of his head

see his teeth

slide my finger across his lips

know the purpose of his tattoos

tell him he's beautiful

and him crave me

obsess over me

love me

© 2011 Nosce Te Ipsum

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Added on May 13, 2011
Last Updated on May 13, 2011


Nosce Te Ipsum
Nosce Te Ipsum


Honestly, I simply write for myself. I'm not big on the technicalities. I do it to keep myself sane because generally there is no other way to release my emotions. I will be thrilled and overjoyed if .. more..

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A Poem by Nosce Te Ipsum

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A Poem by Nosce Te Ipsum