A Lesson Learned

A Lesson Learned

A Poem by Tate Morgan

How kind her teared eyes that hid the truth; from the lips that would never confess.



Rode the train with my girl today

across the barn swept hollows

Past lush fields of emerald green

with the life and love that follows


The train car tapped out a lullaby beat

which spent our time lost in leisure

The smiles past came by with the peace

life's sweet gifts we couldn’t measure


A man had set across the aisle of us

he seemed so different from me

Clothes tattered, torn and weathered

homeless and likely worn hard was he


I couldn’t help but to take the notice

his features hewn and deeply lined

Drawing a map of where he'd been

red eyed he looked half blind


Something alone in his vacant stare

said It was me that he resembled

The thought had taken me a-fright

I looked hard, long and trembled


I saw my lover look over him too

noticed the hair might be the same

Except for straggling beard and decay

I had felt a deep sense of shame


Could that be what would happen to me

what fallen angel had led him astray

A nightmare vision of life’s full truth

eyes of pain in the heart they betray


Then my lover looked back upon me

her thoughts she sought hard to repress

How kind those teared eyes that hid the truth

from her lips that would never confess


To see my books click on the pictures to take you to them


© 2020 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
An introspective mirror of myself.

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Featured Review

This piece holds unmaginable beauty! The seasoned timelessness of such a beautiful, yet solomn journey through the eyes of such a man, yet the thought that they might be yor own looking back at you from the differences of eras. How could a person be more beautiful than the man sat in front of you. Wonderful! Simply wonderful!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


interesting. thanks for directing me to this one.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the colorful phrases you use, like "barn swept hollows;" for some reason I really like how that "rolls" of the tongue (haha). You have a talent for conveying to the reader your perspective, and truly painting a picture in the mind. Speaking of pictures, you couldn't not have chosen a better photo! Yet again, excellant work :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Now, Tate, may I say that this poem in my estimation is much better than the other one about poor and rich. We present very clear imagery and your words make readers feel something, which is very important in a poem. Again, I love this poem!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Masterfully written, my friend! God Bless.


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 word wow

Posted 14 Years Ago

For some reason when I read this I'm reminded of the lyrical content of, "The Freewheeling Bob Dylan," your poems capture the same essence of beautiful story telling and dry wit that made me first come to love Dylan! I'm once again left astounded at the sheer scale of your talent. You can probably appreciate from what I write that poetry like this isn't part of my daily intake, I'm much more into the Modernist movement, but the way you write has been a real eye opener. I really do appreciate that level of care and skill that goes into writing something as lyrical and as real as this!



Posted 14 Years Ago

A touch of sadness here, thinking how fragile our place in life is. We could be that less fortunate person so easily. We really are not that different then the next person, its just what life give us that is different. Looking down on the less fortunate we really could be looking down on ourselves.

A very profound poem. It speaks the truth.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Exceptionally thought provoking and honest. Really makes one wonder about themselves and what's to come. Really great write here. Went back and read it a couple of times.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is a wonderful poem so full of emotion. So powerful. Thank you for taking me along on your journey. This reminded me that life can change at any moment...one choice or in this case one angel leading you astray and your life can go down a different path. Again thank you for sharing. And I am thankful that C Quig sent me the read request on this one. I loved it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is brill. Some folk don't even notice what is right there in front of them. The comparison is so touching. People have secrets and think ones face and soul are safe from the world...but our expressions and deeds show all !! We all wonder what will become of us, but when we look at others who are not so fortunate, we tend not to worry so much...or worry more...depending on situations. Thanks for sharing.
Babs xx

Posted 14 Years Ago

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131 Reviews
Shelved in 12 Libraries
Added on August 10, 2009
Last Updated on June 28, 2020
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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A Poem by Tate Morgan

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