The Writers Cafe Virus

The Writers Cafe Virus

A Poem by Tate Morgan

Why is it we all tolerate what in real life we would not take The art of being someone’s friend just to use them for our own sake


When did we ever say that we

regulate anonymity

Nor wish it on another soul

to bestow mediocrity


This virus if allowed to grow

will infect each and every one

With the feeling of helplessness

hiding the dark within the sun


We lose good people everyday

tired of wondering on their friends

They will keep fleeing from this site

until this childishness here ends


I can't speak for everyone

but for myself I will say this

I would never let a nightmare

send me off to the great abyss


Why is it we all tolerate

what in real life we would not take

The art of being someone’s friend

just to use them for your own sake


If you can't find it in yourself

to be truthful open and kind

You are wrong simply to assume

that we are all deaf, dumb and blind



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© 2013 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
We all want the same thing here.To meet and share with friends. I say we stop tolerating this nightmare that never ends. Some will say I should not be so upset .Let it roll off.But I have never lain down for abuse. I would rather be knocked down.
A man can always take comfort
in the things he must abide
To look in the mirror fallen
taking resp-it from that he tried

Lately the bad actors are coming out of the woodwork and i am half tempted to open a site just to list each and every one of their names for the sake of the good people here.
Today one of these vermin trashed the work of David Lewis Paget. I say enough is enough! Even if it means we have to publicly out them !

My Review

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Most know who the main problem is on here. Desbest said it well. For a while this virus was abated, but it is like Herpes and it keeps coming back. I have no problem blocking and ignoring, but it gets uncomfortable not knowing who you can trust. I just purged approx 75 people from my list of "friends." I will not leave because of a few trouble makers. As a few of us have concurred that this is a social experiment. Konsor lets anything go. Like Animal Farm or Lord of the Flies!

Posted 13 Years Ago

8 of 8 people found this review constructive.


Hmmm...interesting. I have found frienships here that have remained lasting. However, I must say that I do not write here for ratings. I actually write here because there is more room on the writerscafe database than on my computer. I do, however, enjoy the interaction with other writers. I find that those that are more serious writers peak my interest and leave a more lasting impression than those that find themselves upset by a stranger's words on a screen. Nice write Tate. I hope the point hits home to those that read it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Spot on Tate and bravo!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Huzzah! Tate! Please tell me how to disable my ratings, not that I ever pay attention to them. I love this site, I have tried others and get little feedback just endless read requests. On WC I can be both reviewer and reviewed. My skin skin is thick, so I don't get upset at nasty crap, I just consider the source. You aren't going to get anything but crap out of a manure pile and anyone who would chose to be pointlessly cruel on WC isn't even as useful as a manure pile.
My animal symbol is the Dragon for a reason, I take great pleasure in unleashing my wrath on bullies and abusers. Some dragons may be mythical, this one isn't.
Thank you Tate for telling it like it is; great work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You have been given a gift and strikes again and I must say bravo. and definitely agree to
"I would never let a nightmare
send me off to the great abyss"
So keep it up.For art such as this should never be silenced.

Posted 13 Years Ago

i have had some trouble with this site before but i love it so much that i put up with it this poem was very well written and it speaks the truth im glad you wrote this keep up the great work :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

good stuff Tate get those feelings out, let your words ring for the keyboard is mightier than the sword.
don't get me wrong on this after all I'm new a this and every day I learn something new.
so you keep it up and keep on writing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Another great poem. I think the best way to deal with that kinda stuff is to stay positive. I've been on the site for about a year or two now, and I've never had any problems with anyone. There are a lot of selfish people on this site but at the same time you'll find some really nice ones, and you're sure one of them. Everywhere we go we'll find the d****e-bags of society. We just have to learn to avoid them.

Posted 13 Years Ago

At the end of the day...I visit WC to read and write some poetry. I have met some (hopefully) lovely people because of this. I don't physically meet them nor see them, but I know they are there. If we chat and laugh, then it's a bonus and I close for the night, a contented being, but if we don't, we just don't. I get on with my real life, with real people and real situations. WC is fabulous if used properly, but if it was to take over ones life, then that simply isn't healthy. Some folk may in fact only have online friends and I find that so sad that I could weep for their lack of human friendship and company and would certainly offer my online hand of friendship.
If I came across any trouble at all on here, the answer is simple....don't be here...and move on to pastures new. Life is too short for fights and squabbles and trouble makers and I advise...DELETION.
Thanks Tate for bringing this to our attention and now that I have read and digested your great piece, I will close for the night and get on with my living... I have so much to do and see and WC is a small but important part of my hobby life.
Take care one and all.
Babsie Bee xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tate, you're the savior! I always thought WC was one of the best place in terms of my life as a poet. But from a few months ago, I've seen quite a lot of happenings that just breaks my heart. Even a few days back, a member deleted her account because some block-head reviewer told that her works were "copied". And yes, ratings don't mean a thing. Fact is, I'm gonna disable my ratings as soon as I get time.

All I ever wanted from WC was good friends, and all the more healthy reviews (Not plain abusive ones).

WC got me published. I have a high regard for it. If someone could fix these problems, I'd probably write an ode for him/her.. :D :P

Keep writing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

An extremely bold and honest write i must say ...... that is thought provoking as well.....
loved what u have expressed ..... keep moving on what is left is left do not look back and have bitter taste in
your mouth ...... let bygones be bygones ......

Posted 13 Years Ago

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137 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 27, 2011
Last Updated on June 12, 2013
Tags: poetry, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, Dark, Gay, Hate, sex, teen, horror, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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