Does she?

Does she?

A Poem by Azure Montessa (Blue)






I heard you're dating someone

a girl just caught your eye

Tell me about this new love

the cause of your "Goodbye".


Does she greet you good morning

with breakfast in your bed?

Does she know your fav'rite songs

and sing them in her head?


Does she kiss you 'til you're breathless

and treat you like a prince?

Does she keep all your love letters,

not throwing them in bins?


Does she sing in the shower

and waltz on the floor?

Does she fix your black necktie

and wave bye from the door?


Does she pack up your lunch

a sandwich with a note?

Does she send you thoughtful texts

an "I love you" and a quote?


Does she understand your hobbies

the cigars and the games?

Does she also love your friends

the quirks behind the names?


Does she miss you when you're gone

and wait 'til you're back?

Does she offer better things

all the things that I lack?


Does she love you like I did

or does she love you even more?

And baby, does she even know

she has all I'm wishing for?



© 2013 Azure Montessa (Blue)

Author's Note

Azure Montessa (Blue)
I missed rhymes. :)

My Review

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An excellent flow and rhythm to this poem, as well as the rhyming of course. Well thought out. I enjoyed it very much. However, it made me begin to wonder if my husband is getting shafted! :)
I have rarely ever made his lunch, or ironed clothes. I hate to clean, but will do it when I must :) I'm more of the "equal" partnership kind of gal. I've never asked to be taken care of, or expected him to be the supporter of me - although for family dynamics I have not worked at times in order to raise our kids. Definitely not a Holly Homemaker or domesticated diva - it drives me batty to be home that much.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Questions, images, flowing with the effortless ease of life. Answers, dreams, suspended in the rhythmic rhyme of heart speak through your pen. It does give me flashbacks, many flashbacks, but still I am here. Tom

Posted 10 Years Ago

Very sad indeed...nicely penned as always...and your words always touch our hearts Blue...Rose

Posted 10 Years Ago

wow, I have to say... this poem so beautifully worded, voiced my thoughts exactly, you have a way with words, a way with taking a realistic issue, and putting it to paper. great job!

Posted 10 Years Ago

A very nice rhyming poem with alot of real , good questions that are so relevant to lovers...Thank you for penning...:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ah, this is splendid, baby! I love your anaphora here. The rhyme scheme flows well. Nice wordplay.

"Does he know what he has left
Is a diamond, not fake?
Does he know who will lose here
And who'll cry in the end?
Does he know it is him
Let him know, for God's sake!"


Posted 10 Years Ago

you did very well and it is a pretty fine poem Blue
Sad and full of expression

Posted 10 Years Ago

Heartbreaking write, Blue. You have eloquently express the feelings and what's going on inside the mind of a person who is not yet able to move on. your rhyme scheme is exceptional.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Aw, so sad! The rhyming is perfect and flows just right, and it tells a story in its own way. I feel like I know this person, sort of. A lovely poem, Blue. Keep writing. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sad, I know this feeling all too well my friend. It hurts and we think we will never get over it, but somehow we always do. Nicely Penned Blue.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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91 Reviews
Shelved in 12 Libraries
Added on October 25, 2013
Last Updated on October 26, 2013
Tags: break up, exboyfriend, exgirlfriend, new girlfriend

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