

A Poem by BLitZeD

Life changes and rearranges
So they relocate us to different cages 
The generation that made us 
This outrageous and famous
They proceeded to name us
Everyone said X was bad 
But Y proved to be shameless
A world of technology adapted and turned heinous 
Hackers and criminals, pirates and thieves
The shadows in the night that freely roam the streets
A knife in the sleeve, a knight brought to his knees
A gun to believe a night one perceive
As time passes the rifts slowly decrease 
Government curfew decree, in a time of chaos 
The reality sets in right after the health disease 
Who receives the legacy when the next one leaves
 As one grows old the mind closes but can still feel the breeze
When the time comes either side will willingly hand over the keys
While the other takes the wheel on a ride to be set free. 
But we do understand i feel the same way about Z
Skinny jeans are for girls, cross your legs and drink tea
Cheers to the last of a dying breed
 We followed through with our threats, your not a Gangster to me
Id shank you and leave, 
Wouldn't even run, ill walk away from the scene, 
The beast can always change but 

© 2015 BLitZeD

Author's Note

The Lost Generation -
The Generation of 1914 1890-1915 100-125
The Interbellum Generation 1901-1913 102-114
The Greatest Generation 1910-1925 90-105
The Silent Generation 1923-1944 71-92
Baby Boomer Generation 1945-964 51-70
Generation X 1961-1981 34-54
Generation Y - 1975-1995 20-40
Generation Z 1995-2015 0-20

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Once again, you just left me completely dumbfounded.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

once again i hope thats a good thing :)
Beth Lindsay

8 Years Ago

Always a good thing. Your poems are amazing.
This was incredible! It felt almost electric as I was reading it. I love your take on the different generations and how they are seen by others. Society has a knack for categorizing and separating us into groups, it seems. We just follow along, like sheep, when we really aren't happy with the way we are being taken. Fantastic piece!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

so sweet, your 2 kind. thank you. glad you liked it

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12 Reviews
Added on December 8, 2015
Last Updated on December 8, 2015



New Jersey Devil, FL

i give them the plans i drew up with thoughts methodically calculated and so intricately placed , every outcome was accounted for and algebraically related. f*****g statistically graced, like .. more..

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