

A Story by Braden Freeman

This is an account of the dream I had last night.


I often find myself dreaming about the past, dreaming about what might have been. Last night, for example, I dreamed I was in a badminton competition, competing against some of the best young players in Canada. I should mention that I used to play badminton as a young boy as well as in college. At any rate, in this particular dream, I was in a competition with fierce competitors, and it was very intense. Some of the players were very aggressive and would even yell at me across the court, derogatory comments. I remember hitting all the important shots: drop shots, which are delicate shots just over the net, smashes, aggressive, attacking shots, and clears, high and deep shots. Despite the talent of all these players, I continued to emerge victorious. One by one, I disposed of the competition, and at the end of the day I was crowned the champion. This was definitely a dream.

As exciting as it was to have this ego-inflating dream, I was more interested in what the dream meant--the nature of dreams. I know Freud used to study dreams because he thought he could learn more about a person by looking at his or her unconscious. Those ideas and emotions that we do not want to show the world we often reveal in our dreams. Even though Freud was a little strange, and I have to disagree with what he says about a boy's erotic love for his mother, I think he did have some good insights, particularly regarding his thoughts on dreams. I, for example, was much more competitive in sports than I always let on in public. I always wanted to appear to be a very easygoing guy, which I am, but when it came to sports, inside I felt I wanted to just pulverize my opponents. The dream I had did confirm this competitive drive that sometimes I would repress when out in the world. I think dreams can also help us have some of the success we wish we could have in reality. Perhaps, I am not the best athlete in the world, but in my dreams I always win. Other people must have comparable dreams.

I often wonder about the dreams my friends have. It is not a subject I have really discussed with them. Do some people have more dreams than others? Are our dreams always related to past experience? These are some of the questions I ask myself late at night. Dreams are fascinating!

© 2015 Braden Freeman

Author's Note

Braden Freeman
Share some dreams.

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Amazing story! I had a few dreams where i get trophies, but for something ridiculous like ice skating backwards. Sometimes i can dream whatever i want sometimes. For a couple weeks i tried to have a dream about going on a Doctor Who adventure. And last night i finally did. The dream was so weird i actually made this account to post a story on it.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Braden Freeman

8 Years Ago

Thanks so much. You must have quite a spirit. I find people like you make the world a richer place. .. read more
Kristina the Lucid Dreamer

8 Years Ago

aww You're welcome!

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1 Review
Added on June 30, 2015
Last Updated on June 30, 2015
Tags: Psychology, Dreams, Freud


Braden Freeman
Braden Freeman

Calgary, SW, Canada

I live a simple life in Calgary, Alberta. I currently work with the homeless. I want to make the world a better place, and writing is one way compassionate beings uplift the human race. more..

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A Story by Braden Freeman