The Moment

The Moment

A Story by Braden Freeman

This describes the experience I had when my son was born. This is a true story.


It was the spring of 2010, and I was set to graduate from university in the coming weeks. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach because there was a big day coming--my son was expected to be born within days. I could not even focus on the university celebrations because university is a small portion of my life, but fatherhood, I thought, was something which would be with me for the rest of my life.

I think my parents could tell that I was not ready. They were calling me on a regular basis, asking how I was, and giving advice where they could squeeze it in the conversation. My partner's parents were not much different. They were very concerned about us, and even moved in with us to ensure we could properly transition into this new phase of life.

A few days later we were on our way to dinner, when my partner felt a strange sensation. "Uh Oh," she said. "What is wrong?" I asked. "The baby is coming," she replied. We quickly made our way to the nearest hospital, and it seemed we were right on the money: the baby was on his way out. After several hours of little activity, my lady started to feel some intense pain. "Do you want some medicine to help with the pain?" the doctor asked. "Yes, she does!" I answered for her. Now, at this point, I was nervous on so many levels.

I was nervous regarding my own self, because I was not sure I was ready to be a father. I was also nervous, however, for my lover and our baby. I wanted the birth to go smoothly for all parties involved. "Are you okay?" I asked my girl for the fifth time. "I am the same as I was the last time you asked," she replied. After an hour of me panicking, the doctor informed us that it was time to try pushing.

The pushing did not last very long, but in my mind time was moving at a snail's pace. I tried to keep my eyes open, but it was not the easiest thing to watch. Out of respect, I stayed the course and encouraged the process. One push after another, my partner pushed the little one out. "One last big push," the doctor said. I started to see a head emerging, and for some reason I was in disbelief. Before, when I could not see the baby, it was if he did not really exist, but now that he was visible to the eye, he was a reality, like gravity. Then, like a flash of lighting, it was finished and Preston was in the world. My heart melted, and my fear was replaced by a stronger emotion, a polar opposite emotion: love.  

© 2015 Braden Freeman

My Review

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You reveal much of yourself in this little story, much that many men would never have the courage to reveal ... A man is ready to be a dad from that first moment he inserts himself in a woman whether he is emotionally mature or not ... he is responsible to be a dad from that very same moment, as well, but so few men accept and shoulder up to that responsibility ... So few men are brave enough to wonder if they are ready, and yet never shirk from that responsibility, especially in this day and time ... The day my first born child was born, I was in such a frantic mess inside that I blew out two tires on our old jalopy getting to the hospital to then find that it would be a prolonged labor, and that my daughter (didn't know it was a girl in 1973) would not be born for hours to come ... I will never forget that day ... I was no more ready inside than you, but from that first sight of her, the thought of how ready I was never entered my mind again ... Very enjoyable story of part of your life that you have been so kind and brave to share ... Thank you ... I hope your son knows how much you love him ... You have a nice style of writing ... Am eager to see where you to in some other stories ...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Braden Freeman

8 Years Ago

Thanks for the nice comment. Also thank you for revealing your own experiences with becoming a fathe.. read more
I like how you write. You tell a story in great alignment. Your writing flows smoothly. It's like drinking a hot cup of coffee. :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Braden Freeman

8 Years Ago

You make me want to go have a cup of coffee. Haha.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 1, 2015
Last Updated on July 1, 2015
Tags: Son, Love, Family


Braden Freeman
Braden Freeman

Calgary, SW, Canada

I live a simple life in Calgary, Alberta. I currently work with the homeless. I want to make the world a better place, and writing is one way compassionate beings uplift the human race. more..

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A Story by Braden Freeman