To My Friends

To My Friends

A Poem by Ray Hamilton

Poetry plea for understanding





Someone To Watch Over Me midi





To My Friends


Recently I have been told
my poetry shows I have a bad mentality
But I'm just trying to be me



I'm sorry if I have offended some
although I honestly don't know how
With me,
what you see is what you get
I write my poetry with no regrets



If I have offended you in some way
Please don't be afraid to say
Naive I very well may be
For I honestly do not see
How my poetry could offend
Any of my precious friends



I am and have never been a sneak
In my poetry my life you get a peek
If I have a bad mentality
Please tell me how this could be
Honestly I can not see
that I have a bad mentality



I stay in my own little group of friends
On their reviews I do depend
I do not see how I could offend
I always try my best to do good
Although in the past my intentions
have been misunderstood



There is no halo upon my head
of this I do know
But there are no horns either
or I would let them show
For I am just me
What you see is what you get
I say this with no regret
For I'm just trying to be myself
I have never lived my life in stealth



Ray Hamilton
Not a poet and I know it!

© Copyright 8 / 2008
All rights Reserved


Please visit me at The Poet's Nest








© 2008 Ray Hamilton

My Review

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Ray, you are kidding right?? I see nothing wrong with your writing and often wonder why you put "not a poet" when indeed you are..We all are
different and think and create differently..That is what makes this site and us unique..We can be ourselves..Others have received bad and mean
reviews..It takes a small minded little person to do that on here..This is a creative writing site where all kinds of people that love to write can express them selves..They should be able to do that with out offending anyone as the poetry or story is NOT about them it is just "thoughts' that pop into a creative writers head..Enough of this garbage, lets love one another as Christ loved us and write our hearts out..If you do not like the work..just back off of it..that is the easy way and it hurts no one..God bless Ray and I am sorry there are some ignorant people on this site that like to hurt others..Valentine

Posted 15 Years Ago

I've always loved your writing,its made me happy at times made me think at times or even laugh out loud.this was very well put and with a lot of your feelings in it.well done. there is no reason for anyone to take offense to anything you are a great wonderful person and friend and who ever this is judging you really should'nt be in the first place. i think its jealousy because you write well.don't ever say your sorry to anyone for your writing, you do not have to be ya take care friend again i love all of yours.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh my friend....this is beautifully written from the soul, with a lot of hurt behind it that
comes through so clearly.
Please don't let these "nutters" whoever they are stop you from penning your wonderful
poems. I enjoy them and judging from the rest of the comments many, many people do
too and how on earth could anyone say they 'offend', I'd like to know. Its just "sour grapes"
I expect, because they can't write as well as you!

Forget about them, they are not even worth giving a second thought to. I, fortunately,
touch wood, have not had this kind of thing done to me, and I hope I never shall.
(Probably will now) LOL. But if I did I'd tell them to.....well you know!

Leave our friend alone, whoever you silly little people are.....Ray would run rings around
you all anyway and he is a great gentleman and a dear poet friend to me. So rack off!!

Sorry Ray, just had to have my little say!

Helena :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

I find your poems kind of comforting, in this world of negatives and bad vibes. to suffer through
long diatribes of jibberish and bad humour; snooty eloquence and put downs, like on other sites
not Writerscafe. we can all feel welcome to your poetry. (you ARE a poet Ray) your life experiences
ad interest to the stuff. thanks for everything Ray.

Posted 15 Years Ago

You should never feel as though you have to say sorry for what you feel nor what you write. If it is what you truly feel well then...FEEL it..."people" should never tell you how to feel or criticize you for feeling that way! Your feelings are your own, and no real friend would try to make you feel any differently...maybe feel better, but not different!

Great Write!

Posted 15 Years Ago


Never apologize for you feelings. Anyone who take offense should really take a hard look in the mirror. Just as we cannot make a person like our work, they cannot require we be less than honest with our feelings. Only a coward requires conformity for others. I like your work!

Offend away my friend!


Posted 15 Years Ago

The most inoffensive guy I know - just tell them to get a life, Ray.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I can't see you offending anyone my friend and I only know you through your writes but they are great

Posted 15 Years Ago

Ray, you're ok. No offense do your words portray. That's what I say. Anyway.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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I Love you!!!! your words are funny, sad, entertaining........... etc etc.... you could never offend anyone my friend

hugs smiles and kisses


Posted 15 Years Ago

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31 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 2, 2008
Last Updated on August 2, 2008


Ray Hamilton
Ray Hamilton

Morrisburg Ontario Canada, Canada

I Am Canadian " A " These days I have a lot of time on my hands. Never being a person interested in even reading, it seems unbelievable to find myself, here writing poetry. My mind o.. more..
