The Music's Wrong

The Music's Wrong

A Poem by A.Lee

How difficult it has become
To return those simple words
Such debate with the exchange
The pause as thoughts are rearranged

At one time it was second nature
You loved me and I loved you
No hesitation, no reflection
We just knew that it was true

But just like every good thing fades
Our cultured love slipped through the cracks
Lost among distress and fighting
Held back by unchecked pride and wanting

Yet the marriage vows are binding
Children now caught in between
Chained as one, for better or worse
Now forced to duet every verse

Our tunes no longer seem to match
Two different keys that cannot meld
Producing soured little song
For all the things we're doing wrong

You threw the tuner in the trash
I crushed our only metronome
Gave upon all that we were building
Gave up on calling this a home

But life demands we sing our ballad
Mend the sheets of music torn
Throw our hands up in the air
Forget the damage lying there

I hear you muster up the strength
As you attempt to sing our song
You hum so soft the warbled tune
But I don't want to sing along

It's far too late to harmonize
I've yielded to too many lies
So I just listen to your voice
Though I've already made my choice

Can music lost be found again?
Can wounds forgiven ever mend?
In time may duets, find their tune?
Or are they only ever doomed?

© 2011 A.Lee

My Review

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Beautiful metaphor, sad poem. I liked it a lot.

Posted 11 Years Ago

With a disilluioned, shadowy sense of tragic resignation, this piece is taut like nervous heart strings with fragile angst and the sadness of emotional honesty. Like a resonant tale of humanity which distantly echoes through the memory of ages, the rainy grey urban reality of life heaves through the words like a slow, reluctant truth which only time gradually enables us to face, exhaling a final summary sigh of tired acceptance. An eminent testimony to the objective pencil-shading which obliterates yet illuminates the hard, impressed lines that were inscribed beneath. And here is revealed the complex, unpalatable truth.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lol, a nice poem. Good analogy really, comparing love to music. It's a pretty good one, and was a refreshing change of pace. I can go on about my ideas on love and that, but the best contributing to your problem is this: Love is a marathon, not a sprint. The truly blessed realize the love outways the pain.

Oh and what Allison said ^_^ Preach it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is SOOOOO awesome!! I love how you talk about it like music. And, I think if he's willing to mend the music, then you should give it a try. Men in a relationship are usually the first ones to leave, and you are blessed to have someone that wants to try. Hope I helped.

Posted 12 Years Ago

HAAAAA I LOVE THIS! The concept - great! I love how it remains unanswered.
but the WORDS were SO amazing.
I don't know WHY or HOW, but your words ALWAYS scream out to me.
Thanks again for an inspirational, beautiful, conflict-stricken, fiery read.
You never fail to amaze.

Posted 12 Years Ago

The question that some can answer yes and others no. Its a very personal and emotional question that so many over the years have asked. There's such pain and hurt here and perhaps a lot of lost hope. You did a great job on this one.

Posted 13 Years Ago

So sad... :(
Good rhythm, as tiny grammar-ish thing though, on the line "Through our hands up in the air," did you perhaps mean "threw," or "throw?"
Excellent writing though, so sad and beautiful...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Your questions is the questions I ask daily. How do people keep love and hope alive? I believe we allow pain and disappointment to weaken love and desire. It takes luck and hard work to keep love alive. Kids do bind two people together. The ending is a question we need to ask our self. I believe without my wife I would be no-one. I try to be kind and not complain. Love is the best and hardest gift to maintain. A excellent poem. Made me think.

Posted 13 Years Ago

"Can lost music be found again?"

An excellent question. Much emotion relayed here. Very open, honest, and raw. Take time to heal before tackling serious, big issues. Patience and one step at a time.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on March 30, 2011
Last Updated on April 4, 2011



Monroe, GA

I am lots of things, but here you'd identify most with the writer and avid reader. I have three beautiful children. The oldest boy, Seth, passed last year after fighting a long battle with cancer. .. more..

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