In my House

In my House

A Poem by AaronFreitas

I was sitting in the back yard of my old house watching my daughters play.... brought back a lot of memories and feelings of how life was before my divorce. I sat there and cried as I typed this poem


In this house are many memories
Good and bad but they are mine
Memories of love, family and pain
Memories of a once gratifying time

Home is where the heart is

I guess my heart is still here
Even though I don't call it home
My kids and my heart rest here

You could say I'm missing out
On a life that once made me proud
Tears fall from my depressed eyes
My world covered by a dark cloud

Someday I will find that happiness
That once filled my heart with delight
I cry as I watch my daughter's play
And realize the happiness in my sight


© 2015 AaronFreitas

Author's Note

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Sometime we must the happiness in each new day.
"Someday I will find that happiness
That once filled my heart with delight
I cry as I watch my daughter's play
And realize the happiness in my sight"
The above lines are true for me. Grandchildren playing give me hope and make me smile. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry Aaron.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you John... I remember writing this one so clearly. It was a rough day and my children brought.. read more
Coyote Poetry

8 Years Ago

My pleasure and you are welcome.


This is so sad and raw Aaron :( but at the same time so beautiful in the way you write it ! Great job and thank you for sharing such a personal piece!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you Serena :) It was a raw piece... wrote it on my phone while crying and didn't play with it.. read more
There's such sincerity here. The first stanza stood out the most to me, because you acknowledge both the good and the bad times, and take ownership of them all. I also like the message at the end, of you watching, seemingly from the outside looking in, at the happiness that you once had long ago. Again, your words are so genuine, and that's what makes them so powerful. Amazing

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you very much Elisa! I am thankful for your kind words :)
Aaron, I can emphasize with your pains. The places we spend most our time at do accumulate memories of pain and sorrows just as much as joys and delights. Those places pressurize us with heavy feelings that we need to exorcise. We must cling on to something that could make it the home we want it to be. And I see that your lovely children can help you to create wonderful memories of playfulness, delight, and happiness. It's up to you to make that happen and it will. And all that heavy feelings will disappear, because they only feed on melancholy...but when there's only happiness, there's no room for those heavy feelings. And then they are exorcised. I loved this!

One thing only. Did you mean to say "I cry as I watch my daughters play" in stanza four, line three?

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Yes I did mean to... I was about done writing on my phone and yeah I looked up with tears in my eyes.. read more
Your heart is with your children - that is its home - and that is all that children need to know; that they are loved so much. Your tears of sadness well from the nostalgia of different times but clearly those tears pass through the wealth of joy you feel when you see your children. You may be missing out on parts of your children's lives, especially the parts they share with their mother, however, you are no dead-beat dad so you will always make the best of your time with them. I don't even know you but i see a guy who would die for his children and if there is anything I have learned about loving parents, that kind of love makes all the difference in the world the older your children get. Your depression, and your dark cloud days, will one day end and you will have all the time in the world to show your children just how much they mean to you. Remain focused on those last two lines because they say it all. Great write my friend!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much... I was kind of stuck right at the end and I had tears in my eyes... looked up .. read more
A beautiful, bittersweet heart tuching piece....i am convinced you'll find the happiness again my friend, there is justno other way....

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you Ana for your kind words :) I appreciate you commenting
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Im touched that you would RR this to me. I feel honoured Aaron. This is tremendously moving. I was already moved by your preamble and I knew this would affect me and Im glad. Your soul shines throughout this - the pain and the pride in your young ones and finally - and finally and I think most importantly is the optimism in the final stanza. The hope and the realisation of how lucky you are in the final analysis is really great my friend. Thank you for the RR. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Thank you very much my friend! I am extremely blessed to have my daughter's... they provide the happ.. read more

9 Years Ago

Certainly they do - I totally understand Aaron - they are a great blessing. Im always here my friend.. read more

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much
So melancholy and sweet, nice work!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much Emily :)
Wow Aaron. This was beautifully sad. Don't worry love, there is happiness in sight for you & I feel it's coming soon. As long as you have the love of your girls, you are never truly unhappy.

This was a great piece though, and I understand where you are coming from. Great job.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

♥ Ari Skye ♥

9 Years Ago

It is my pleasure. You know I adore you!

9 Years Ago

haha thanks don't get me blushing on here ;)
♥ Ari Skye ♥

9 Years Ago

Haha. Is that possible? You know it's true! & we both know you also adore me! LOL!
sounds like a good case of depression to me my friend
I thing we all have our moments,i know I have mine

Posted 9 Years Ago

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9 Years Ago

Yeah I have my moments my friend. It was definitely a sad moment sitting in my old back yard reflect.. read more

9 Years Ago

poem I posted was for y ou my friend

9 Years Ago

I will check it right now
Wow.. that made me get tears in my eyes.... Aaron you always have happiness in your life as long as your girls are in it! Kids make everybody But that was very amazing...Good work Aaron! ♥

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much Tessa.... yeah sering my girls kind of makes everything better :)
Tessa Danielle Guise

9 Years Ago

yep!! Keep up the amazing work Aaron!!! I wrote a poem for Adam.. could you maybe please review it.... read more

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40 Reviews
Added on March 27, 2015
Last Updated on March 31, 2015




I love to write, most my work tends to be on the darker side. I write from my heart and tend not to mess with it too much. I guess sometimes I write and post without focusing on what everyone else w.. more..

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A Poem by AaronFreitas

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