The Unwanted

The Unwanted

A Story by clairvoyantmars

The church choir bursts into song. The piano plays out the wedding march. Flower petals are scattered everywhere and everybody looks at the back to stare at the woman walking down the aisle. Everyone but me. The room is filled with soft sighs and smiles. All I do is stare ahead of me. The groom stands idly by the altar. Of course, he stares at his beautiful wife-to-be down the aisle. Finally I see her at the corner of my eye, a mirage of white and petals. Slowly, she walks into my view; past the people, past me. I am just another face in the crowd.

She is so beautiful.

With one hand, she holds the arm of her father, who stares tearfully at his little girl with pride. And with the other, she holds the bouquet of white and yellow lilies. Her pressed curls are carefully arranged, her grey eyes watering behind her veil. Her dress is draped in silk and lace. Nevertheless, all I have to say to describe her is: angel.

She finally reaches the altar and her father lifts her veil. Breathtaking… she gives him a kiss and turns to join hands with her soon-to-be man of her life. The music stops, and everyone takes a seat as the ceremony finally begins. The events are a blur; all I do is look at her. She stares at her groom with such love in her eyes, all her tender smiles directed at him. That should have been me.

“If anybody has a reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The room is silent. Nothing holds me back. That is because I have nothing to say.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” That could have been me.

She kisses him; they are now as one. That would have been me.

I shake my head. No. I gave up on her. I made her feel unwanted. I had hurt her too much, so I gave up… Now it was my turn to feel unwanted. I stare at the woman who is seated beside me, and I take her hand. My wife looks up at me and smiles.

The newlyweds part from their kiss, and everyone stands in applause as they walk back down the aisle. The bride’s eyes meet mine. She smiles at me, out of courtesy. Her eyes turn sad. My heart hurts.

She won this round. But we both lost the game.


© 2011 clairvoyantmars

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Wow, what an amazing story!!! I truly loved it!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Somebody , lots of people actually have said ,
"You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you get the prince."
I hope you don`t have to kiss frogs, or princes for that
matter, just try to make great choices in your love life.

This was an exciting, but sad poem. It opens up a whole
debate on the sanctity of marriage, kissing frogs you name it,
you have started people to thnking.
Excellemt writing .
---- John

Posted 12 Years Ago

What a sad ending to a beautiful story. At first I thought it was the bride herself speaking, then I thought her rival, only to find it was a former boyfriend. What a delicious twist you put on your story!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love how you can lead up to something, like in this him already being married, and I don't expect it at all. It ruins it sometimes if it's hinted heavily before it's said. But it's not like this here, and I love it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow. What a great story. Definitely pulls at the heart strings. Especially when I found out he's married too. Both of them seem to love each other and now they're both with someone else.

I like how you keep the mystery in the beginning and you do a beautiful job of setting the scene. Also, the repetition near the end really punched the message home. This would be a great book! Loved it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great story of a failed romance of could have or should have. Nicely done. if looking for me to correct any mistakes. I didn't find any Awesome job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was fantastically written! It gave me a sad feeling...and though it was so short, it was powerful and said a lot. This is better than some longer stories. :) Very good.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was utterly amazing. I think from the start it looked like a great story and I was right.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Awesome. :) .

Posted 13 Years Ago

i loooooooved it it was so sad

Posted 13 Years Ago

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58 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on May 30, 2011
Last Updated on May 30, 2011




I've been seriously starting to write my own novels since 2008. So far, I've finished three novels and have a lot of unfinished ones piled up. I also write short stories and poems and the occasional s.. more..

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