Their Town

Their Town

A Poem by Meghan

Tommy sits on the stoop cigarette in mouth
he takes a drag, sighs, breathes out
the stars are out tonight, but these are the suburbs 
they hide pretty deep in the clouds
Street lamps reflect the glitter in the asphalt 
and innocence lays on the other side of the street

He knew happiness left in August with the wave of red
and green and gold just doesn't cut it
this town's boring enough as it is
worse when you're missing them

Sara sits in her bed she watches him leave
he's notch number three this week
she didn't know him, but this is college
morals and values are hazy here
an empty bed in the morning is simple
anything else just gets too complicated, for her

she left all respect for herself in that town
it's easier than working for something
that will never amount to anything
while you're missing them

Morgan steps off the platform. Train's not leaving tonight 
she walks back wiping the tears she tried to fight
nothing's worse then feeling trapped 
in a place you love, but just isn't home
and every time she looks forward it seems
something pushes her back

She knew that town only brought hurt
but home is home and she needed it
nothing's ever as bad as it could be
especially when you're missing them

© 2011 Meghan

My Review

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I liked it alot and loved the word choice to convey meaning!! Good Write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Loved reading this. Sort of sad, but you penned it beautifully.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Added on September 8, 2011
Last Updated on September 13, 2011



Raleigh, NC

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