The shade of my shades

The shade of my shades

A Poem by CRZ

The shade of my shades

Protects me, where no light can invade

The shade of my shades

Lets my anger be trapped behind tinted glasses!

The shade of my shades

Where my eyes close and my pupils just lay .

The shade of my shades

Creates a alter ego. It may be colored black but it doesn’t mean it’s evil

The shade of my shades

The precious shades I got after I got paid

The shade of my shades

Where the world is dimmed down from all the chaos and I’m no longer lost .

The shade of my shades

For the world to understand my point of view is what I crave.

© 2013 CRZ

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There are many reasons we put on shades....not necessarily to hide, but as protection. - love the line it may be colored black but it doesn't mean it's evil. There is so much between the lines of this poem. Very creative and thought provoking.

:) Julie

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


shades, we all use them in one way or other. neat write and like how you repeat the shade of my shades

Posted 10 Years Ago

I enjoyed the repeating line of 'shades of my shades' such cadence was rhythmic and explosive...and I Loce my shades, as well. Nicely scribed.

Posted 10 Years Ago

interesting personality all through this piece

Posted 10 Years Ago

Loved, loved, loved it! It's simply marvelous!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Interesting piece, we all relate to that, we love our shades and we wear them for many reasons.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Normally, I find people messing around with the font to call more attention to their poem rather grating on my nerves. However, you are very good at using font, text size and color to emphasize the point you are trying to make. The consistency in the repetition and the choice of font size, face and color is very telling. I also enjoy the gradual increase in font size in the even-numbered lines, for it parallels the strength of your statement and feelings.

Posted 10 Years Ago


Posted 10 Years Ago

I like the simplicity and creativity of this poem. In many ways, it is witty. I like how it is funny as well, haha.
'The precious shades I got after I got paid'
Good job :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

the world will only understand if you take off your shades that hide it!! nice poem though

Posted 10 Years Ago

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53 Reviews
Added on April 30, 2013
Last Updated on June 6, 2013



New York, NY

Poet & Artist Thou shall not rest until I make my whole fam rich more..

next stop next stop

A Poem by CRZ

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