What You Call a Norm is a Vacant Dorm

What You Call a Norm is a Vacant Dorm

A Poem by CRZ

for her.

Norms are bacteria
that ignites hills of
questions…doubts…being left speechless.
It bangs the cerebral
chimes for answers or at least evaluation.
If not…it will corrode the little kid with its lofty imagination.

which she doesn’t roam.

The touch she feels
when she passes something that smells like a norm.
Invisible but well known, she can see it.

that is in the middle of the university for sleepwalkers.

Accepting things,
things such as barriers
how aspirations get shattered
and battered to a disaster cake.
Ready for everyone else to digest
and spoon fed to the brain

she can sense something wrong and goes to her own dorm.

© 2014 CRZ

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the funny bit is those norms were only introduced by another person and we all too readily accepted them hence the great question are norms really the norm??

Posted 9 Years Ago

Really, some norms are so useless you question the sanity of people who follow it and then there are others which are broken so often that the loop hole has become a norm. Oneway or the other, we would still be able tosurvive if we had half times lesser norms. Very nice poem.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Wonderfully written...loved the imagery...

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is an interesting piece for all ages, i can learn from this as a mother.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh, you said it your own way, but you said it how it is. Beautifully written. I like your comparations.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Very interesting!

I like how you compared the restrictive and destructive oppressiveness of "norm" ways of thinking to bacteria. It is like an infection that limits us in so many ways. It can be so damaging like a sickness.

Very original and well done!


Posted 10 Years Ago

this really is a different style, not one that I expected either! Kudos for surprising me! ;) :) I really liked it too! I totally agree, the norm is stupid. Being your own person is much more fun, and you followed your own advice very well! :) ;) Great job, keep up the good work! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Thats a diffrent style .. well done :)
I liked it

Posted 10 Years Ago

I like the construction and word choice. Very nice!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Yea,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, nicely penned, think i like it

Posted 10 Years Ago

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on March 17, 2014
Last Updated on March 17, 2014



New York, NY

Poet & Artist Thou shall not rest until I make my whole fam rich more..

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A Poem by CRZ

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