The Third Eye

The Third Eye

A Poem by Devanshu Rajput

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The third eye sees when you tell your mother that you drunk the milk,

But it had gone into a flower pot.


The third eye sees when you say: “homework is chopped by my dog!”,

But it had not.


Third eye notices when you break the pot,

And blame your little brother.


Third eye sees when you eat pancakes,

When your parents went outside.


Third eye sees when you say you are doing your homework,

But you are reading comics.


The third sees when you watch television,

More than you’re supposed to be.


Third eye sees,

Which we don’t see.

The third eye sees,

Which you don’t want to show.


© 2015 Devanshu Rajput

Author's Note

Devanshu Rajput
Beware! May be the third eye is watching you!

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I can only see three possibilities:

One is the own self’s reflection- the one will always see's the truth of what you do… can be a state of conscience but i believe some people doesn't have that treat... so i can tell to those person who create the mirror self-reflecting images in the mind... there are many types of human consciousness and it holds the key of all the truth we hold on into..

Second one is the government spy gadgets – like Big brother is always watching us… even in the internet all our mail have been filtered for terrorist messaging… I have studied about that on how the government filters all the information around the sea of information(internet)… our privacy is always invaded like freedom is constrained.

Third is God – in the spiritual aspect I always knew God is always watching us, he works in a very mysterious ways… his the only higher being who can see pass through the façade we portrayed- he will always see the real you…

Awesome work my friend!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Devanshu Rajput

10 Years Ago

I totally agree with your all possibility.

Really God, Self's reflection and Government.. read more

10 Years Ago

your most welcome :)
Dani The Unreviewed

9 Years Ago

Yup, this makes sense.


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Devanshu, I received your friend request and am accepting it. Please be aware that if I review your work then you must reciprocate and do the same for me. Nice to 'meet' you. So this third eyes sees me when I'm doing something I should not be doing? If I drive over the speed limit will it turn me in to the police? Or is it a benevolent eye? I guess time will tell. take care...dan

Posted 9 Years Ago

Devanshu Rajput

9 Years Ago

It depends upon the it's

Why not? I will, indeed reciprocate!
.. read more
I've no doubt that the "third eye" is watching us all, as well as the 'evil eye'....shudder!!!!

Good write my friend, original and interesting.


Helena (Blue Rose)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Devanshu Rajput

9 Years Ago

Ya, as Pax said, there can be endless possibilites. Thanks for the kind words.

But he.. read more
I liked this poem. The third eye is alive and active. I like the flow of thoughts and the very good ending. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The third eye is more than an eye.It never closes nor lose it's sight.
Nice message in your poem Devanshu.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this poem. If anyone knows about chakra they will understand the third eye..

Posted 10 Years Ago

Well that would be the thing to chase me all my days always doing what I'm not supposed to

Posted 10 Years Ago

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This comment has been deleted by the poster.
Nice! I Like how the "third eye" represents karma(?). Also the last stanza is great!

Posted 10 Years Ago

That was so nice and an amazing write ...
well done

Posted 10 Years Ago

That Goddamn third eye better not snitch

Posted 10 Years Ago

The concept reaaly entrilled me. Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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45 Reviews
Added on June 24, 2013
Last Updated on April 27, 2015
Tags: The third eye


Devanshu Rajput
Devanshu Rajput


Dear visitor, The above graphic is message from the very core of my heart. This is indeed my abode. It has been a very long time that I am here on this site. To be honest, this site, in my .. more..


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