WUD-Chapter 6

WUD-Chapter 6

A Chapter by Angie Diane♥♥



Chapter 6

                I was walking along the street looking up at houses for souls. It was the hardest job in the world to find a soul. I don’t know why I was signed up for the program. I was wondering how Jake was doing. We were split up until we actually found a soul. I pulled my cell phone out and saw the time. It was way passed the time I was normally asleep. I am so tired I don’t want to do anymore searching, but I had to.

                “Jake, did you find a soul yet?” I sent him. I was still waking when I looked up. I saw a soul floating around. He looked like he was lost. I actually felt bad for him. I wonder how old the soul was.

                “No, did you?” Jake said.

                “Yes, I did. I’m on Gulden. Where are you right now?”

                “I’m on Sunrise. I will be right there.” Jake said. At least that was only a street away. Jake showed up twenty seconds later. He was panting and sweating. I knew he didn’t like running but come on.

                We floated up together and the soul looked startled. He tried to float away from us, but he didn’t make it away. He looked nervous and scared.

                “W-who are you?” he asked. Now that I saw him up close he looked like he was only ten years of age. I didn’t want to kill a little boy, but I guess I had too….or I could make Jake do that. I don’t know.

                “My name is Angie and this is Jake.” I pointed to Jake who in turn shook his head at the little boy. The little boy is shaking…which was weird too me. I was not used to seeing souls after all. After obtaining this power I could see them. I didn’t believe in souls until now.

                “What’s your name?” Jake asked in the sweetest voice he could muster.

                “My name is Timothy.” He said with a small smile glowing on his features.

                “Nice to meet you, honey. I know it’s sad that it’s under these circumstances.” I said with a small smile. Something in my stomach was starting to get queasy. I didn’t like doing this, but what could I do?

                “I’m sorry too…” he said hesitating. I started to wonder if he knew he was going to die.

                “Honey, we need to know, how did you die?”

                “Well it was truly an accident.” He started out.

                “Accident?” Jake asked while raising his eyebrow. Timothy looked at us scare in the eye and nodded. He looked down at the ground. His eyes were starting to fill up with tears. His shoulders started to shake. I felt so bad for this little boy. My heart started to break. I don’t want to kill him. He’s so cute, but I have to. It’s killing me that I have to kill an innocent ten year olds soul.

                “Yes, I was playing the choking game. It was a stupid mistake on my part. I knew that game was dangerous. I don’t know why I decided to play it with my friends. They had pressured me into playing it.” He responded.

                “Why would you play such a stupid game?” Jake said in a rude tone. Jake was getting very angry. I didn’t want him to explode on this little soul. I just pulled the little boy’s soul into my chest. He blushed at me and Jake looked angrily at me.

                “I played it because I wanted to be cool among my friends. They thought the game was cool. I told them I didn’t want to play because I could die. My friends started to laugh in my face and call me a chicken. I told them that I wasn’t a chicken. Then they told me to prove it. So I did and I tried to get the rope from around my neck, but it wouldn’t come loose. It was getting tighter and tighter around my neck. I could feel myself losing air. I wasn’t breathing. I collapsed on the ground.” Timothy said and tears started to roll down his cheeks. Jake noticed he was crying and softened a little bit.

                “You shouldn’t have done that to make yourself cool. You seem like a cool little kid in general. Don’t let others try to change you.” Jake said to the little boy. I saw Jake take out his sword. The little boy’s eyes grew wide. He grabbed onto me and held me.

                “Jake, please don’t!” I said.

                “Angie, you know we have to!” Jake exclaimed. I started to feel a connection with this little boy. I knew why I did.

                “I can’t let you kill him…please Jake don’t?” I said. Tears started to roll down my face. Jeremy and Alexis appeared in front of me within seconds.

                “Angie, what’s going on here?” Jeremy asked. The little boy was holding onto me tighter when they appeared.

                “I’m not letting this little boy die. I’m sorry, but he died in a terrible way. I can’t let him die now. I’m sorry…please can you spare him?” I asked tears still rolling down my cheeks.

                “Okay, we can spare him, but only this first time. I think this one can become your assistant. We will bring him back to life.” Jeremy said with a sigh.

                “Thank you!” I yelled and hugged the little boy close to me.

                “You can’t go back to your family after this. You have to be with Angie all the time. I hope you are okay with this.” Jeremy said to the little boy.

                “You are lucky we are letting him live.” Alexis said with a glare to me. I didn’t care at the moment. I was just glad that this little boy was going to live. Timmy nodded and was holding onto me. I was glad I was going to have an assistant. Maybe he could help me find souls easily.

                “He will be able to find souls easily because he is in tune to the world of the spirits.” Alexis said to me. It was like she could read my mind. I was not too happy about that, but oh well.

                I guess the next step was to bring the little boy back to life. I had to dig up his body first. I got a shovel and went to his grave and dug up his body. Jeremy performed a miracle and the little boy came back to life.







© 2011 Angie Diane♥♥

Author's Note

Angie Diane♥♥
Hehe so I lied again, but next chapter I promise a soul will die. You will learn a little bit more about Angie in chapter 8. :D

1. Did you like the chapter?
2. Who is your favorite character?
3. Who is your least favorite character?
4. Do you think it's cool that Angie has an assistant?
5. What power do you think Angie will gain next?
6. How do you think Jake is going to feel now that Angie has an assitant?
7. Who do you think the soul they are going to kill is going to be?
8. What's your favorite part of this chapter?
9. Can you look forward to the next chapter?
10. Do you like Angie's POV in this chapter?

My Review

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1. Yeah
2. Angie is symapthetic
3. No one yet
4. We'll see
5. No idea...
6. Bit jealous but he did suggest it albeit reluctantly...
7. Some schoolmate I hope lol
8. The first encouter with Timothy
9. I am looking forward to next chapter for sure
10. Yes very human and empathetic

Posted 12 Years Ago

1. When do I not? :)

2. JAKE.

3. Jeremy .___.

4. Meh, I think Angie is best by herself :D

5. Um...idk :D

6. Like he's been replaced.

7. Not too sure :3

8. How Jake was able to sympathize with Timmy.


10. Yeah :DD

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 29, 2011
Last Updated on August 31, 2011


Angie Diane♥♥
Angie Diane♥♥

Not like you need to know..., NJ

Name: Angie Diane Age: 22 Birthday: You can guess. -.- I don't feel like telling anyone... Add me on facebook if you want... https://www.facebook.com/BlackedHearted Also just let me know that.. more..
