

A Poem by Ed Hart

we drove through canyons of fir and cedar

to a raw coast in the gray morning

waves of waves stranded small crab

at the feet of gulls no longer bothered

we held on at the hand

until the hugeness included us

we danced some and did okay

walking the length of bone dead logs

we had to throw ourselves away to get there

now it's that way every day

© 2015 Ed Hart

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Bukowski said of poetry that each line, each and every word written should pop, should explode
on the page before you. And there is a certain thing called control when used to describe the
nature of inspiration as well as the smell of mortality. Let me try my best to explain:
While walking in Walmart this afternoon , nearest the pepperoni infused French bread
and the Yoplait yogurt lined on the shelves like the caskets of dead soldiers, I tried to wish
myself included in the stories of truth and sentiment. I started to smile and click together sentences
(some out-loud) of the poems I wanted to write this evening. Then came perhaps that rush of gravity
that holds a body down to inspiration from those who have also written and sounded things out loud;
that exactness that, hearing the praises of Emerson allowed Whitman to enlarge
"Leaves of Grass" beyond recognition. The influence you have had here Ed Hart, has changed
us all. Made some of us dance while others used those very small escapes of words and
ideas, as a reprieve to go forward.

Thus has been your poetic inspiration my friend......tremendous work.....dana

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

it is a pleasant thing to watch your mind at work, and thank you for the kindest of words


Excellent! Certainly, one of my fav. writes. The beauty of love & the shades of its warmth over life is nicely captured in words.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

thank you Adam, welcome to my pages
Very fresh & imaginative & visual & carefree description of a starting point that turned into a lasting point. The middle stanza is my favorite. Enjoyable vignette!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

thanks for your words...sometimes life just reaches out and stretches us
How wonderful, Ed,
It is a glorious blessing to find another who makes it possible to shed oneself of life's disguises, to flow so deeply, so thoroughly together until you two are one; yet, to possess the mind, heart, soul, and expertise necessary to paint it all through the medium of words upon the canvas of our grasps, understands, and appreciation, in the amazingly beautiful and meaningful manner in which you have, is a blessing in itself.

I would say your skillful pen has, indeed, made your moment and irresistible beauty of it … Ours!
Thank you again, Ed, for sharing the incomparable You with Us! ⁓ Richard

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

what could we appreciate more, than that seeing eyes should come to our page and write splendid thin.. read more

8 Years Ago

A low, grateful bow~*
I love this write.
A reinventing of your life with you love...
I would have to highlight every phrase to compliment my favorite lines.
This is what I want to do... Let the vastness of this worlds life collect me from my own ambitions.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

thanks for your thoughts'll learn to believe in miracles...
such breeze in these words it's like you became the scene itself.
concise yet comprehensive, not one superfluous word or thought. evokes a calm ease, yet there's an apathy, a small bitterness, a melancholy. here because you're not there, there because you're not here.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

you are right beyond measure
-- this is a very intricate and insightful word-weave, Maestro Ed... and the concluding lines remind me of how consuming life can be if we actually attempt to waltz with it...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

it's what we were designed for, my long time dear friend
. serah .

8 Years Ago

-- true that, dear favourite word wizard maestro of mine... :)
Love this. until the hugeness included us
Love this. We had to throw ourselves away to get there
Love this. At the feet of Gulls no longer bothered
Its hard to decide which of these three lines are the best
The feel of this poem is magic.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

it takes a 'glistening,' a sort of emily-dickinson-luster to be able to reach as deep as you do, not.. read more
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kk revisiting this knowing what i know now, i think you had hold of my hand, too. i sill have dreams of living the pacific northwest tho methinks gray mornings w/an abundance of constant drizzle may be detrimental to my mental health, i know the lushness of nature's regard and the proximity to the "hugeness" might be a comparable trade off. i d.i.d. feel those bone-dead logs this time. the beaches up there are a photographer's dream. don't worry, dear, you'll find your sea legs. in the meantime ------ there's all that fresh seafood.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

you've got top numbers with those who can immerse themselves placement and feeling of image...thank .. read more
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I love this so much, Ed......................

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

thank you for feeling the love in this lynn
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I could walk around in this small poem for hours.
I agree with your friend, dana, and I thank you!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

i see you...

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 8 Libraries
Added on October 19, 2015
Last Updated on October 19, 2015


Ed Hart
Ed Hart

Olympia, WA

3/11/17, i am taking this way to notify my friends and readers that several months ago i was given my walking papers from this dimension...i have pancreatic cancer, stage 4,, you can.. more..

embers embers

A Poem by Ed Hart

broken broken

A Poem by Ed Hart