A Poem by Eddie Phillips

I get tired of looking at my FB page and seeing booty shots. It has gotten overly ridiculous!




Excuse me brother
I know that this is popular
I know social porn is all the rage
but I am growing increasingly tired of


BOOTY!  On my Face book page!


I am not a Prince with a Harem
I am just a simple hard working man
I pay my bills on time monthly
I have a simple internet plan
Yet night after night my brother
Whenever I come trucking home
On my computer screen is

So big I can't see the thong!


Brother I could understand posting pictures
I love looking at a  beautiful girl's face
However you’re obsessed with humongous derriere
All your pictures are shots below the waist!
You send me so many BOOTYlicious pictures
On the beach, in the club,  and in the hood
It seems all these picture have made you forget
A simple fact that is almost universally understood
Brother no matter how you look at it
At the club, on the beach, or in the hood

Raw BOOTY is still "Tail!"
Brother, tail does not smell all that good!


Last week when  I came home
My wife in a complete utter rage
Because I left my computer running
You posted a huge wet
BOOTY on my page!


Yesterday I caught my son blushing
He had been snooping around in my room
I looked around to see what he was doing
On my screen was a naked BOOTY going BOOM!


My mother pinged my FB page
I pinged her back on FB chat
The first thing she did was start fussing:

"Who wants to look at all of that?"


Today you sent 15 pictures
All of them had BOOTIES busting out!
I will remind you that you are not Hugh Hefner
I don't know what this BOOTY obsession is about


I finally decided it doesn't even matter
I know how this all has to end
So I had to drop you off my Facebook
It doesn't mean we can't still be friends
I hope you read this poem
Then maybe one day you will understand
Looking at all that wet  BOOTY!
Is not what makes you a man.


© 2012 Eddie Phillips

© 2013 Eddie Phillips

Author's Note

Eddie Phillips
I hate looking at FB and seeing a whole page of half naked women. It gets annoying after a while. I love women but who are these people who want to get naked and nasty just to be seen? Alas there is an audience. LOL This is a comical approach to the problem

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"You send me so many BOOTYlicious pictures
On the beach, in the club, and in the hood " FAVORITE LINES LOl

Posted 10 Years Ago

Once again you write about a current social issue with style and flair. I'm not old by any means but when I see what my children's peers post on their fb profiles I cringe. Artificial poses exaggerating sexuality...caricatures instead of the pretty young women they are. Somewhere along the line it became acceptable to appear as nothing more then an object rather than a person. I don't know if this can be blamed on low self esteem or striving to be what Hollywood and the music industry depicts as attractive. I just wonder when this young people look back years from now will they be proud or deeply embarrassed by the images they so freely put out on the internet? Great write here Eddie...

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is a very comical approach, Eddie! I was chuckling throughout the poem - but you point out an important issue, that not every male is obsessed with paring women down to individual body parts - and a real man never does that... Well penned!

Posted 10 Years Ago

So funny! I've never read the word booty so much. Lol, I totally get this though. Made me giggle (:

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eddie Phillips

10 Years Ago

I wanted the word BOOTY to be used as much as you would see it on a screen. I wanted it to be annoy.. read more
Please comment. Bad or good I would appreciate the feedback. I am new on the site.

Posted 11 Years Ago

This could be a song :) great

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eddie Phillips

11 Years Ago

This poem was funny because it happens so much.
Marc Marlon Villaflor

11 Years Ago

Really? lol its cool :)

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6 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2013
Last Updated on September 12, 2013


Eddie Phillips
Eddie Phillips

Denver, CO

Writer, Scholar, Martial Artist, Poet, etc. I write everything. Whatever is on my heart comes through my pen. I do not limit myself to only write what I think. I write what I feel. I write a lot .. more..


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