Three Letter Cancer

Three Letter Cancer

A Poem by E S Stevens

I wrote this poem while struggling to be true to my family and friends.


I am the cousin of cancer

A three letter brand discussed for hours

But never once mentioned by name


I am the bitter silence that rolls in

Austere steel storm clouds looming

Atop untouched salads at a family wedding


I am the poison to my own family tree

A promised death to cherished crests

A foolish 'choice' to torch my own branch


I am the dusty unopened scrapbooks

Unfinished baby blankets savagely eaten

By desperate moths and unspoken shame


I am the shallow buried secret, lingering

Thoughts haunted by a tell-tale heart

Revived and smothered by the same lost hand


I am a desperate creature, longing for love

Seeking heat from the spark from the gears on a toaster

While fearing the familial arms that have so long held me


But this is not the letter left on a nightstand

Written in black ink smeared with tears

Promising eternal love and final farewells


I am a fighter and I will fight.

I am loved and I will love.

© 2012 E S Stevens

My Review

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This is beautiful. The symbolism, the description. I really enjoyed reading this! The way you show us whats happening without really telling us too much shows real skill.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It's a great poem! I didn't get it at first, but then I read it a second time. THEN I began to understand it... It's really deep, but true. The symbolic meaning is really powerful.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like this it's powerful and deep

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very lovely. I love the way it is written and its content is just so true. I have that three letter cancer that people despise so much these days. Great job.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on May 29, 2012
Last Updated on May 31, 2012
Tags: gay, lgbt, rejection, family, tell tale heart, fear, love, life


E S Stevens
E S Stevens

Louisville, KY

Body Art Body Art

A Poem by E S Stevens

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