Is love still alive?

Is love still alive?

A Poem by Fariha Tahseen Karim

The heart captured silence when it was with you and now there are lots of cracks that I can't sew


You sla
pped me and tore me apart
I was outrageous but couldn't hear the pounding of your heart
When blood poured out and you needed help badly
I controlled myself and just looked at it sadly
I tumbled and was almost falling on the sand
But I held a tree branch instead of grabbing your hand
When the air grew colder, I refused to take your coat
I would never call for help even if I was in a wrecked boat
When it was 2am and I was walking home
But I refused to go with you even when I see the kidnappers roam

I bit my tongue when I see you cry
I am trying to solve our puzzle but I just can't try
Because I remember you say "No one can take you away from me.'
But then you left me saying now you're free
You said I was wrong, when I used to be myself
You moved away, when you knew your presence might help

Didn't you see me crying at the stairs of your house
You took a bird's eye view and sneaked out, like a mouse
The sky crashed on me when you said you moved on
I waited for the sun but the sky was sunless even at dawn

© 2014 Fariha Tahseen Karim

Author's Note

Fariha Tahseen Karim
These thoughts just haunted my mind and compelled me to write. Please give me reviews if you like it or grudge it.. thank u

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its awesome dude...keep it up

Posted 9 Years Ago

Fariha Tahseen Karim

9 Years Ago

thank you......

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21 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2014
Last Updated on November 18, 2014
Tags: to everyone who can feel pain


Fariha Tahseen Karim
Fariha Tahseen Karim

chittagong, islam, Bangladesh

If a glass is half full and half empty, I see it as half empty because I know I have the ability to fill it up. Just like fire is hungry for woods, I am also famished and want to consume more and more.. more..


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