If My Tears

If My Tears

A Poem by Frieda P

for my son...♥♥

If only every last one of my tears could save you
if I could take away your pain and angst you know I would quicker than a mothers heart beats I'd protect you from your unkind self & harsh realities,
give you every last ounce of my courage til I bled
time has taken away your youthful innocence playing in dark recesses of your reckless mind as you took that dark road down self destruction
I watched you grow into a strong man now I look at you a broken child again
there are no band-aids, no quick fix solutions
to cover these wounds you've self afflicted
if my tears could only take away your fears you'd have the sole sweet guidance of light
I watch you flounder in the dark without the promise of hope I'd give anything for you to be that untainted little boy again safe upon my knee where I could protect you from life's brutality If I could, I'd give my very last breath for you to see your way through there's nothing I wouldn't do, yet still I know I can't protect you this is your fight of a lifetime and I can only pray on bended knee I instilled in you enough fortitude and tenacity to find your own way

© 2013 Frieda P

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This is so tough for a parent to go through. The worry alone if your child will find strength to beat back the gale winds of a tempting world. I went through this with my son. He at 18 became an angry alcoholic also hooked on under the counter pills. He was raised in a religious home with me and his step mother but we couldn't stop him from moving into my ex-wife's home where there were no rules. The good news after several years of tears and prayers I got him to move back near me and he gave all of that up and turned his life back over to the lord. His life has gotten better every day. Now we are asking god to send the right woman into his life.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Thanks M.G. this is a tough one to come back to as it's still an ongoing struggle, good to know ther.. read more
Michael G. Smith

10 Years Ago

Now we are working on our middle daughter. She's a tougher nut to crack.


like others i don't know this feeling coz i am a teen and protected by my parents. but i feel that every word u have written came from your heart and hope that may god solve all your problems

Posted 11 Years Ago

As a mother of three grown children I can feel the pain and plea and hope of a mother weeping from each line of this poem. I love the last line....I believe all mothers hope they have instilled in their children the fortitute to stand alone and walk the right path. Heartfelt read

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very true. I had to watch as one of my sons nearly destroyed himself with drugs, so I can get every line of this, I`ve been there too. Stay strong, and my best wishes to both of you...

Posted 11 Years Ago

One word truly amazing feeling you get and i got while read it.
Felt so warm and just unique sense of explanation of bond btw Son & Mother.
"I watched you grow into a strong man
now I look at you a broken child again"
These lines i read it thrice. Must have been your heart felt.

Frieda :) You made me smile

Vikrantsingh Parmar

Posted 11 Years Ago

We desire so much for our children. As parents we just want them to be safe. We raise them and comfort them. We do all that we can to make the bad things go away.

When I read your poem I thought about my 4 sons and the trials that await them in life. I do all I can to raise them and set them on the right path. I read that also in your poem. All we can do is raise them to be strong and knowledgeable. I love the last line of your poem Frieda "I instilled in you enough fortitude and tenacity to find your own way." That is the definition of real love. You don't smother them but allow them to grow and mature in life with the knowledge you instilled. My prayers are with you on your son's struggles. I really loved this poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

The Indic practices what's come to be known as the ' Vira Mata ' ( warrior mother ) sword in hand who will imbue courage in the son to face up to his realities. I think there's something similar in the Judeo-Christian tradition. He was nailed to the cross with the assurance that he won't die but will be reborn. A nice write.

Tks Tate for the invitation to review.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Beautiful poem in dedication to your son. Loving him is all you can do now. Lovely write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very touching words from a mother to a son.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Oh Jesus Frieda I forgot that you told me You wrote a poem of your sons trials. I am so sorry. This poem just makes me weep. This is the most beautiful thing you ever wrote. I say that as tears roll down my cheek. My god this is so beautiful! It wrenches at my heart pulls at my soul and crushes me with the pain of it. You have transcended the light of this darkness and created a masterpiece. Strait from the heart of a mother. I owe you a great apology. I haven't paid attention I am sorry!
Your the best dear

Posted 11 Years Ago

This is a beautiful piece Frieda. I'm speechless. Do you know how hard that is?

Posted 11 Years Ago

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61 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on May 10, 2013
Last Updated on May 10, 2013


Frieda P
Frieda P


If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..


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