Objective Phantasy, futile at best...

Objective Phantasy, futile at best...

A Poem by Frieda P

The dust on the mirror nicely covers
a multitude of secrets       uncovered
intricate weavings of life entanglements,
look beyond the haze of incredibility
true reflections are merely presumptuous
perception lost in translation

Soul cannot be speculated,
reverie's contemplations,
are merely a kaleidoscopic distortion
unless you see the absolute intent
treading in footprints of object's image
of poetry's  authentic reality

Only kindred spirits in actuality
can see their own substantive expression
in the magnitude of recollections,
on the surface it's all fancy conjecture
beyond the deliberation
Is where truth in absoluteness lies,
a mere peer with the eyes
can prove virulent, futile at best 

© 2013 Frieda P

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I like the subtle touch of spelling fantasy the way you have...I also like the (ironic?) idea of the mirror's dust "nicely" covering its secrets...this first stanza just blew me away, especially the last two lines, which were beautifully put, and went on to set the stage for the rest of the piece, which is a compelling study of those secrets referred to earlier...all in all, a very philosophical piece...love this one Mrs.R :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Thanks Steve, wasn't sure if this one was going to translate well, glad you got my philsphophical mu.. read more

10 Years Ago

Haha you gotta get up early in the morning to get anything past me love...wait, you do get up earlie.. read more


Your thought process is in full bloom here... very deep and intricate, but still on the avenue of your great style.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This was so beautifully written!! :) keep writing!

Posted 10 Years Ago

I agree; lots of layers to peel away. We do strive to reflect our glimmers of truth in poetry whatever the mood or flavor; its not easy. lots of couplets (if you will) that intrigue and demand reflection. Had to read this several times and each time got better. much food for thought so early in the morning (5 am)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Thanks for taking the time to try and figure out my musings E, 6 am here, I know it's a challenge th.. read more
Einstein Noodle

10 Years Ago

same to you for sure!
true reflections are merely presumptuous
perception lost in translation

Only kindred spirits in actuality
can see their own substantive expression

I love these lines. ;)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Grazie mille Blue, glad you enjoyed. ;-)
This sounds as if it should have been written long hand in a ladies journal a couple of centuries ago. It is gossamer delicate and very finely wrought.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

You humble me with your kind words Ken, thanks so much.
You and I may experience the exact same tragedy, or joyous event for that matter. However, your past experiences, personality, emotional state, and abilities will have your reaction and feelings slightly different than mine. It is just how life and humanity work. We think we understand exactly, but we will always be off the mark somewhat. Although it may be futile at best, I believe our differences are what help pull each other through some rough stuff! Excellent write, my friend!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Glad you understood my musings here Sirrah, thanks so much my friend!
Wonderfully deep thoughts here. You're right! We extract our own meaning from writing and it's never quite as deep as the thought of the writer. I guess that's because writing is such a spiritual part of us. Yes we can write in the flighty and funny, but when we pour our hearts out, the intent is always a little bit hidden. I often wonder if we do that on purpose(without realising sometimes)
....fancy conjecture.... like that expression.
Another thoughtful poem from you, as always!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

I think you hit the nail on the heard there wordwarrior, it is spiritual for many of us, thanks so m.. read more
There are so many layers to this piece Frieda, truly brilliantly written.

:) Julie

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Thanks Julie, glad you enjoyed. :-)
when does a soul hurt so bad ? and who knows ? the ones who have the same splinter from the slide.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Exactly lee, thanks so much...
The dust on the mirror nicely covers
a multitude of secrets...

As though the veil was on purpose, keeping the reflection a bit murky... and no one will wipe off the dust to see the full truth. Truly wonderful image and metaphor here, Frieda. I am pondering...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Love it when it gets someone to ponder, thanks Rita...

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29 Reviews
Added on September 23, 2013
Last Updated on September 24, 2013


Frieda P
Frieda P


If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..


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