Flirting with Danger Chapter 17

Flirting with Danger Chapter 17

A Chapter by funflirting

The charity ball


Charlie spent a few relaxing hours with Richie that afternoon. She was surprised at how much she enjoyed that time with him. Part of her had expected questions from him about why he hadn't been able to contact her last night, but she needn't have worried. He turned up on her doorstep with a huge bunch of flowers for her and that sweet smile on his face. She wasn't usually the kind of person to be won over by such gestures, but that day, the flowers had lightened her mood. One thing was for sure, Richie really cared about her and he wasn't afraid to show it. She'd be a fool if she didn't fall in love with him.

Later, after Richie had left, standing in front of her open wardrobe and wondering what to wear, her earlier good mood began to diminish when she contemplated the ensuing evening. Normally, she would enjoy such an occasion, but with Luke there observing everything, and her wondering what he was going to say next, not to mention the way that he was clearly going to make the most of his date with Sue… under those circumstances, she could quite easily give the evening a miss.

She had been looking forward to that evening for a while now too. It was going to be a great night: fine food, good music and drinks with friends. She had already decided on what she was going to wear, but now, she wasn't so sure. She had bought the dress on a whim; it had called to her from the boutique window. But, until this night had been planned, she hadn't yet had the opportunity to wear such a dress. Now though, after having tried it on again, it somehow it was making too much of a statement or something. For a start, it showed an awful lot of leg. When she had first tried it on, she hadn't particularly noticed how much of one thigh it revealed as the long length of the dress didn't seem to emphasise the side split so much. She also hadn't minded the way that the bodice supported and lifted to emphasise her assets, but now, were they too emphasised? Why was she thinking so much about this tonight though? She never normally did.

No, she had decided that she was going to wear that dress, and that dress she would wear. It wasn't that showy, just plain black, a classic number; but the length and the addition of small, shimmering crystals on the bodice and edging the split, was enough to make her stand out from the crowd. Oh damn, would she stand out too much? Would he think she was dressing for him? This was ridiculous. There was nothing else in that wardrobe that jumped out at her anyway. She was wearing what she had originally planned to wear and she would ooze confidence that night too.

A couple of hours later, and Charlie was standing at the garden bar, assessing the patio and lawn, which had been prepared for the evening's events. There was already a buzz of excitement in the air and a building atmosphere from the short snippets that the jazz band were playing to test the sound system for later that evening. A few of the Club's regulars were mulling around the garden, or inside the reception area, but most of the guests had yet to arrive. It had been deduced that for once that the English weather was going to behave itself that night, and they had decided upon round and rectangular tables, with pristine white tablecloths, placed on the lawn. The jazz band was set up at the back, the bar to the right, and, just in case, a marquee area with another bar was set up in the far corner. Candles on the tables and in the garden rockeries, and fairy lights in the trees, gave the whole scene that added feeling that the night was going to be something special.

If only Charlie didn't have that niggling feeling in her stomach so that she could relax and enjoy it.

"Here, a glass of bubbly for a sparkling lady," Eddie said to Charlie from behind the bar, handing her a tall glass of champagne. "So, it's a double date for you tonight litll lady," he said, leaning towards her, resting one elbow on the bar and assessing her appearance. "And girly are you going to be fencing off the men this evening… lucky you."

Charlie was about to take a sip of champagne but stopped with the glass half way to her mouth. "What do you mean?" she frowned.

"Come on, it's me you're talking to. There'll be at least two American's I can think of, and the boss of course," he grinned.

"You can stop right there," she pointed at him, "Luke is a work colleague and Doug is…" she paused, "a friend of the family. You and I are going to have serious words if you start saying ridiculous things tonight," she warned him.

"Hey," he held up his hands in surrender, "you know me; I'll be my usual discrete self."

"Hmm," she watched him warily, "make sure you are." In truth though, she knew that Eddie would never do anything intentionally to upset her. She sighed. "To be honest Ed, I'm really not looking forward to tonight that much."

He thought he'd sensed that there was something not quite right with her that night.

"Why baby?" he said, reaching forward sympathetically to rest his cheek on her free hand that was on the bar top. "Tell your friend all about it," he coaxed, gazing up at her.

"Well, for a start, I need you on side," she confided.

"I'm always on your side sweetie," he assured her, lifting his head but holding onto her hand. "What's troubling you?"

She finally sipped her champagne, giving herself time to consider his question.

"To start with, I don't know how well Luke and Richie will get along. They may be both American's but," she shook her head, "they aren't exactly from the same side of the track, if you know what I mean."

"You mean that Richie is boring and your New York Secret Agent is exciting and dangerous, in a rugged and daring kind of way?" he replied with an enthusiastic smile.

Charlie looked taken aback with Eddie's frank assessment. "What do you mean 'boring'? When you first met him, you said Richie was an enigmatic stranger with the body of an Adonis, and that he should be snapped up at the first opportunity!"

"I said that?" he replied.

Yeah, but that was before he found out that Richie was a lying, cheating, ratbag, who's eyes should be pecked out by a thousand ravenous crows!

"Hey, don't listen to me hunny, I'm as fickle as they come."

Charlie tutted.

Eddie leant a little closer to whisper, "But he is pretty hot though, don't you think?"

"Richie?" she asked.

"No, that Agent of yours. You must have been thrown into some close situations together; fighting crime... partners through it all," he grinned.

Oh great, this was all she needed tonight: people making assumptions about Luke and her.

"Firstly, he's not 'my Agent'" she quoted, "And secondly, we were partners in a professional capacity only," she assured him. "Thought you said you were going to behave tonight?"

He sighed. "I will, I will."

"Why on earth are you trying to match-make me with someone you don't even know anyway? And what has Richie done to fall out of your favour?" she asked.

Ooops, he wasn't going there. He'd forgotten how Charlie never missed a thing. Maybe she would just get fed up with Richie and dump him of her own accord. She seemed to have cooled off a lot with him anyway since he started proposing every chance he got.

"I wasn't exactly matchmaking," he came back casually, "I was just wondering if Richie is really your type after all, and thinking that you and the Agent might have more in common."

What was he talking about? That was ridiculous. She laughed. "We're completely different Ed; you couldn't get more different if you tried."

Eddie was not to be put off. "Well, you know what they say, 'opposites attract.'"

She thought for a moment. "Birds of a feather, flock together," she countered.

He frowned. "Yeah, crows."


"Oh, nothing. Forget a load of old birds, you have to have an attraction, or it's all just..." he gave a dismissive hand gesture, "...boring."

She shook her head at him incredulously. "Thank you for that Casanova ,but, I would just like to point out… you have customers waiting," she prompted, her eyes flicking down the bar.

He jumped up then and swung his head to the customers in question, only pausing briefly before he left her, to whisper, "Here comes Mr Rugged himself. And is that a gun I see in his pocket? Or is it something else?" he chuckled.

Charlie glanced behind her to see Luke hovering by the patio doors, searching the garden area. Her eyes widened at Eddie's audacity, and she turned back to the bar with just about enough time to reach across and slap him on the arm as he walked away. He turned, laughing at her primness.

Luke figured that he would head straight for the bar until Sue had finished organizing upstairs for tomorrow. It would give him time to assess the people at the club, maybe even get talking to some. Then he had the feeling that Sue would want his attention, which he needed to keep if he was going to get his hands on those discs... and if he was going to maybe get under Charlie's skin a little.

Right, gotta figure out these glitzy Brits. Can't be that hard; they're just like Charlie, right? Gotta infiltrate them, 'cause that glitzy Brit who set me up is goin' down.

Luke was heading for the marquee when he caught sight of what could be Charlie standing at another bar at the other end of the garden. He changed his mind then and did an about turn. As he made his way past the dining tables and across the garden, Charlie turned and he realized immediately that it was her. Who else would be standing there so elegantly, looking utterly, and annoyingly as hot as ever?

Charlie became more edgy the closer Luke got. She'd forgotten what he looked like in a tux; Sue would be all over him.

"Hiyya Charlie," he said, the epitome of Luke and, most annoyingly, it made her insides contract.

Eddie stood behind the bar, observing the interaction from one to the other with delight.

"Hello," she replied, leaning to look behind him. "Where's Sue?"

Never mind about Sue; forget Sue. Charlie needed this guy...and to ditch her cheating boyfriend.

"She's gone to check on something. Where's Richie?" he asked in return.

"Gone to check on something," she echoed.

"Everyone's gone to check on something," Eddie laughed, glancing from Luke to Charlie and back.

"Seems so," Charlie commented.

Oooh, that seemed a bit cold coming from Charlie. What was up with her?

"Can I get you something to drink?" he asked Luke cheerfully, trying to lighten the odd mood.

"Sure, a drink would be great," he replied.

"You know what," Eddie began excitedly, "I had a bit of free time this afternoon and I was kind of experimenting... "

Charlie's eyes flicked to Eddie dubiously.

"... I created some unbelievably impressive drinks; I surpassed even myself. You just have to try my 'Sugar Kiss' cocktail; it's to die for," he said, some of his initial enthusiasm fading when he noticed the look on Luke's face. Mmm, maybe not. "Then again, you must be more of a... beer man, eh?" he amended.

"Yeah, beer's more my thing," Luke admitted.

Eddie rethought. "Got it," he said, clicking his fingers at Luke, "Whiskey?" he suggested again. "I bet you'd prefer a whiskey, right?"

A smile lit up Luke's face.

"Whiskey it is then. Not a cocktail man, no problemo," Eddie said, glancing at Charlie, who was actually now looking almost cheerful, an amused smile threatening. He turned to collect a glass, which he placed on the bar, "On the rocks?" he asked.

"Sure," Luke nodded.

"Knew it," Eddie grinned, placing ice in the glass. "So, I read this book once, 'What Does Your Drink Say About You?'" Eddie went on. "A whiskey man," he said, pouring the liquor onto the ice, "Smooth, smoky, distinct, like the drink itself, a little rough around the edges, a whiskey man is a tough cookie. Men and women alike admire them, but they can probably kick your a*s, so don't mess with them.' Was I close?"

Charlie tried not to burst out laughing, she was still not entirely happy about that evening, but to his credit, Eddie had summed up Luke to a tee!

Luke picked up the glass, observed it and then and took a sip. "Pretty damn good," he smiled.

Eddie appeared delighted, until he leant towards Charlie to ask under his breath, "Was he talking about the whiskey, or me?"

Charlie shrugged.

"He was talking about me," Eddie concluded, looking extremely pleased with himself.

Charlie couldn't help it; the laughter slipped out as her eyes flicked from Eddie to Luke. It appeared that Luke had found himself another admirer.

Charlie's amusement didn't last long however when she noticed Sue making a beeline towards the bar, and Luke.

Here we go. Charlie had no doubt that Sue would make a play for Luke, and that Luke would love all that attention. Why had he invaded her life like this? If he was going to pick up women left, right and centre, he could bloody well do it somewhere else, and at a time when she wasn't risking everything to help him too!

"Hi again, so sorry I had to leave you," Sue said, kissing Luke on the cheek.

Bit over the top wasn't it? Considering that they barely knew each other.

"No problem," he replied, standing for her, "here, take my seat."

Hmm, Luke being such a gentleman, and it hadn't gone unnoticed that his arm had slipped around her waist.

"Hi Charlie," Sue said, glancing around Luke.

"Sue," she acknowledged. "How are you?"

"Great," she replied. "Looks like it should be a fabulous night." Sue turned to smile at Luke.

He smiled back.

Fabulous, everything was fabulous... just fabulous. Only... just one thing... if Luke disappeared upstairs with Sue that night, there was going to be another murder in the Club!

Sue was hanging off Luke now like he was her new catch. Luke, of course, was looking as smug as ever. Charlie had had enough of this already; how the hell was she going to last the night?

Just as Charlie was contemplating informing them that she was going to find Richie, so that she could make a quick escape and leave them to their ridiculous flirting, she noticed Luke looking quizzically in her direction. A moment later, and she was startled to feel a hand on her waist and a kiss planting itself softly on her cheek. She knew even before turning that it wasn't Richie. She could sense who it was, and became alarmed at the nervous acceleration of her pulse. Oh God, she wished that Doug wouldn't do that in front of people, even more so in front of Luke! She had to keep her cool all the more that evening, or Luke would pick up on something incredibly quickly.

"Hello Charlotte, you're looking very lovely tonight," he said, his deep voice seeming to draw the attention of everyone around him. This man's attention however, was well and truly on Charlie.

Now that was unexpected! Who the hell was this guy? Obviously someone else who was hot for Charlie. Luke really needed to catch up on seven years of Charlie's private life.

"Hi Doug. How was your weekend?" Charlie asked politely, swivelling further around on her stool to face him.

"Productive," he smiled at her. "Business went well, and I also managed to get the Hampton club on board. That could be very good for us."

"Oh, that's great news. I'm really pleased," she replied, a smile lighting up her face.

"Edward," he called out. Eddie was chatting to another club member and hadn't noticed that Doug was at the bar. He nearly jumped out of his skin, and rushed down the bar to them.

"Some champagne here please," Doug said.

"Of course," Eddie replied, slinking away to find the bottles and glasses.

Doug? Another surprise. Luke had not pictured Doug to look like that at all. He had envisaged a short, balding man with a huge stomach. Wasn't he supposed to be on a diet? Well, he didn't need to be; he was tall, broad and imposing in his dark, pin striped suit, dark hair, with just a little grey showing, and intensely blue eyes. Unlike Luke had assumed, this guy demanded respect and seemed to have total control over his staff. They all appeared to busy themselves about, or sit up straight, like soldiers standing to attention, as soon as his presence was felt. Luke had thought that their antics on Sundays and Monday mornings had been due to the fact that Doug had little control over his Club. Now he suspected it was the other way around; the only time they could get away with anything was when Doug wasn't there; he didn't seem the kind of person to let them off lightly when he was.

Okay, so what was the deal between him and Charlie then? Now Luke was doubly curious, and ever so slightly uneasy too.

Right, so there was no avoiding it. If she tried, it would only make her appear to be acting oddly. Charlie turned again towards Luke and Sue. "Doug, this is Luke Adams, an ex-work colleague of mine. Luke, this is Doug, the owner of the Club," Charlie said by way of an introduction.

So, she'd probably known Doug for some time, considering he was the owner of the Club and she had been going there since she was young, and yet she clearly hadn't even mentioned Luke to him before.

Doug rose an inquisitive eyebrow at Luke and reached out to shake his hand. Luke shook it firmly, whilst also observing at the same time, the way that Doug's other hand had found itself on the small of Charlie's back as he leant forward. Luke wondered what Richie made of the interaction between Doug and Charlie. Doug seemed almost possessive of her.

"You two used to work together then?" Doug said, turning his attention from Luke for a moment to pick up his drink.

"Yeah, that's right; we were partners," Luke stressed.

Doug's glass halted half way to his mouth. "Partners?" he questioned, swinging his head to Charlie.

"At work only," Charlie added in a slight panic.

Doug turned back to contemplate Luke for a second whilst he sipped his drink. "Charlie seems to attract Americans," he observed.

Oh God! This was awkward.

Charlie gave a slightly nervous laugh. "Hardly. Luke and I were forced to work together... under duress I might add. We disagreed on almost everything."

"Oh I dunno about that," Luke interjected, "we had our moments," he said, a smile slowly developing.

Charlie daren't look at Doug, and found her gaze awkwardly trapped with Luke's. She could feel Doug's eyes burning into her and needed to look somewhere else, anywhere but at Luke or Doug. She knew that moving her eyes from Luke would make her appear awkward but what else could she do? She opted for turning back to the bar and picking up her drink again to take a sip. Suddenly, she wished they would both leave. They didn't, but to her relief, Richie came to the rescue.

Luke was amazed when Richie approached to see that, even with his imminent presence, Doug kept his hand on Charlie, and it was only because she moved awkwardly off her stool to greet Richie that his hand was forced to relinquish its hold.

Charlie walked forward to Richie and there was a brief moment when, with her hands resting lightly on his forearms, they spoke softly to each other about something. Then the contact was broken and they both walked back to the bar, hand in hand. Luke's head was buzzing. He was so damn confused.

Once all their drinks had arrived, Doug suggested that they move to their table which was located just in front of the bar anyway. Sue and Luke sat with their backs to the bar, Richie and Charlie opposite them, and Doug seemed to hover by the table, assessing the room whilst also chipping into their conversation from time to time.

"So," Sue began, eager to find out more about Luke. "I hardly know anything about you, apart from that you and Charlie used to do some kind of top secret work together. What do you do now Luke?" she asked.

Hmm, that was going to be a hard one for him to answer. Charlie imagined how Sue would cope with the reply, "I have spent the last seven years pursuing the New York Mafia."

"Oh, I've been workin' on a few projects in New York," he replied vaguely, "but I've moved back here to London now; aint plannin' on leavin' here for a while," he said, his eyes instinctively flicking from Sue to Charlie across the table. For a fleeting moment both Charlie and Luke's expressions were frozen, until Charlie smiled politely and rose her glass to take another sip of her champagne.

Luke smiled in return and turned back to Sue to smile at her also. Sue was smiling, Charlie was smiling, Luke was smiling, great, everyone was being so polite!

"Well, there must be something here you like that keeps bringing you back," Sue commented.

Luke thought about that for a second. "Yeah, there must be."

"So," Sue went on, "have you caught many bad villains?" she asked, gazing sideways at Luke.

Could Sue be any more obvious with her flirting?

"Sure, keep puttin' them behind bars so you ladies can sleep safe in your beds at night," Luke replied with a grin.

Oh please!

Sue looked delighted with Luke's answer, and was quite probably contemplating dragging Luke into her bed with her.

"Well then, I guess I should be eternally grateful," she replied, her eyes dancing about his face.

"I guess you should," he answered.

For goodness sake!

"I for one am glad that Charlie is no longer working in that field," Richie cut in.

Charlie turned to him with a frown.

"Or else we wouldn't have met," he smiled.

Hmm, at least he hadn't said because it was too dangerous for her. She hated being mollycoddled.

"What made you leave the field Charlie?" Sue piped up.

"Yeah," Luke added, "I always wondered that."

Charlie's heart sank suddenly; she felt as if the four walls, if there had been any, were closing in on her.

"I'd just had enough of dealing with criminals," she answered vaguely, fiddling with the stem of her champagne glass.

"But you..." Sue began. She never did know when to leave something alone.

Doug interrupted her, his deep, authoritative voice cutting in, "Charlotte wanted to pursue more charity work Susanna. Here," he said, picking up a champagne bottle, "your glass needs refilling."

As Doug filled Sue's glass with champagne, he glanced briefly at Charlie, a look of concern on his face.

Oh, so it was Doug to the rescue then, Luke noted.

"What do you do for work?" Luke asked, turning his attention to Sue.

"I'm an artist…painter and sculptor," she informed him.

"Really?" Luke appeared to be impressed.

"Yes. I should paint you; you have great bone structure," she said, assessing his face.

"Luke, sit still for any more than two seconds," Charlie laughed, "I can't imagine it."

"I dunno; I might give it a shot… long as you get my best side," he said, turning his face for her to view his profile.

Right, this was actually making Charlie feel nauseous! When would the food be served she wondered, anything for a distraction from this unbearable situation she had found herself in!

© 2016 funflirting

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Added on October 4, 2016
Last Updated on October 4, 2016
Tags: love, romance, crime, passion