Flirting with Danger Chapter 20

Flirting with Danger Chapter 20

A Chapter by funflirting

A dangerous stranger


As the song drew to a close and Luke and Charlie stilled, he gave her a light kiss on the cheek and whispered softly, "Thanks for dancin' with me princess."

Her head was a mass of feeling rather than thoughts on the walk back, but halfway there, after having caught sight of Doug and Eddie, she suddenly realised that she had to focus and bring herself into reality again. Goodness knows what she looked like, but she could feel her cheeks glowing and her body still tingling. As she neared the bar, she searched for something...anything... that would occupy her enough to avoid people's scrutiny. On their table, which had at that point been deserted in favour of the bar, she found that distraction.

"Good grief, just look at all these glasses," she exclaimed, proceeding to collect a hand full of champagne flutes.

Luke took a seat at the bar a few stools away from Doug, and both of them watched, a little bewildered, as Charlie suddenly fell into a frenzy of collecting glasses and transporting them across to a similarly bemused Eddie. Somewhere amongst all this action, Charlie became aware of Luke and Doug falling into casual conversation just before the glasses ran out. Handing the last whiskey tumblers across, she finally took a seat at the bar herself. Eddie placed another glass of champagne in front of her with a rueful grin.

"Here, drink this and relax... before you spot anything else to clear away."

Charlie threw him a look, but picked up the glass for a sip shortly afterwards.

Right, she had to focus now on how they were going to exonerate Luke. Between all the tension of the evening, and the dance they had just shared, somehow the fact that there was a dead body to be accounted for had slipped to the back of her mind.

First of all, Luke needed to pay a bit more attention to Sue if he was going to get his hands on those discs... but then again, would that mean he would get his hands on Sue as well? And in any case, they didn't even know for certain that she had the discs. Maybe they could find out another way? Sue had disappeared somewhere now anyway... perhaps she had seen them dancing and been put off?

"Don't worry, they aint gonna know nothin' just 'cause we're dancin' together."

His words came back to her, along with a vivid recollection of feeling his lips by her ear and his hands roaming over her back.

She took another sip of champagne.

'There's nothing to know!' she had replied. But deep down, she knew there was... there was a whole lot to know, even if, at that stage, everything was all in their minds. There were those hours they had spent locked in Doug's office last night... the chess game... sleeping on the sofa together... then in her bedroom, him in only a towel, her in just that silky lingerie... and that dance, with both their hormones running badly out of control. Something had happened within the time he had returned to run roughshod all over their control; they were barely holding onto it during a simple dance!


Doug's voice cut through her thoughts and she looked up at him abruptly.

"Sorry?" she frowned.

What had he said?

He laughed. "You were in a world of your own then. I was just saying to Luke that I've been having a few issues lately with security in the Club."

Security? His office! Sue and Dennis... Herself and Luke! Charlie bit back her panic and answered,

"What sort of issues?"

"People wandering onto the premises, that kind of thing. Brian from across the road has updated his security since he's had similar problems. I was wondering, considering both of your expertise, if you two might put your heads together and come up with some kind of solution for the Club," he replied.

Charlie exhaled with a smile of relief. "We'll look into it."

"Great. It would take a weight off my mind. We never needed any kind of security when I first took over. I suppose times are changing," he sighed, "Even all the way out here."

"That's the way of the world," Luke commented.

"Yes, well, I appreciate your help, and now," Doug finished his drink and stood, "I have to go and sort out a few things for tomorrow. We'll talk later," he said, placing his hand briefly over Charlie's before turning to smile at Luke and walking away.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Charlie jumped up from her stool.

"We have to replace that drink from his office!" she said to Luke, leaning across the bar to call for Eddie.

"What can I do for you?" Eddie replied, bringing his head closer to add in a whisper behind one hand, "I'm finishing in two seconds sweetie. We have the booze stashed as usual inside; join us for a quick drink or two if you can get away. Oh, and I've vetted your undercover agent over there; he's one of us now. Bring him with you," he winked.

She glanced sideways at Luke to see him grinning.

"Okay, err, anyway, would you do me a favour without asking any questions?" she put to him.

Eddie's eyes widened slightly. "Of course, why?"

Charlie tutted.

Eddie chuckled. "Ooops, that's a question. Alright, what would you like me to do? But if it's illegal, I want in." He laughed again. "Probably shouldn't say that, what with you two having been secret government officials and everything. Anyway..." Eddie always got overly excited when he'd finished work and secret drinks were on the cards. Charlie was waiting for Eddie to stop rambling. "Fire away, how can I be of assistance?" he finished.

"When you leave for the kitchen, could you take a bottle of whiskey and a couple of bottles of wine over with you? Put them on my bill, and I'll meet you there afterwards."

Eddie's face lit up with interest. "Oooh, you do know that we already have a hidden stash, but if you two are in for a monstrous session then..."

"Eddie," she interjected, "It's not for us to drink. No questions, remember?" she pointed at him.

"Hmm," he folded his arms, "So secretive. Is it a top secret mission?"

Charlie held in her laughter. Eddie would love the thought of that. How ironic; he wasn't that far from the truth. "Yes, Eddie, top secret, so not a word," she said, placing her finger over her lips.

"Oh, okay," he mouthed, creeping off down the bar.

Luke halted him briefly by placing one hand on his arm as he passed.

"Put those on my bill," he said under his breath.

Oh, right," Eddie whispered back. "Top secret?"

"Yeah," Luke confirmed, "top secret."

Eddie floated away with a pleasant tingling feeling in his arm.

"What was that all about?" Charlie asked.

Luke shrugged, resting one elbow on the bar. "Nothin'."

Charlie moved a little closer to Luke to speak in a hushed voice.

"Perhaps it was one of those people who have been wandering on and off the grounds who 'caused the trouble'," she said, purposely avoiding the mention of any dead bodies.

"Maybe, but I don't see no motive," Luke replied vaguely.

"Hmm..." Charlie thought for a moment before sighing. "Right, I had better replace that alcohol," she finally said, standing and turning to leave.

Luke stood with her, causing her to pause and look back at him over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

He frowned. "Comin' with you to the office."

She turned around and placed one hand on the bar, blocking his way.

"No you're not," she replied. "If someone finds me in there, I'm not being discovered with you."

"Yeah, but I've been thinkin' 'bout somethin'," he said, avoiding her comment. "if Doug hasnt noticed the missing drink, then he hasn't been up to his office since he got back, right?"

"Right, and?" she replied.

"Then there's a good chance that those discs have been put back. It's worth checkin' that one out," he said, moving forward. She stood her ground.

"Okay, I'll check for the discs while I'm up there," she said, turning once more. Again he went to follow her. "Luke..." she began.

"What? I'm one of you now," he quoted Eddie, "I'm comin' for some illicit drinkin'," he grinned.

She tutted. "Don't you think you should be more focused on finding out who the..." she glanced around her, "...'you know who' is?"

"Sure, I'll come to the office then!" he replied with frustration.

"Hold on," she said, running a hand through her hair, "if the discs are there, we will need to look at them immediately, but not in Doug's office; I don't want to stay in there..."

"We could go back to your place," he suggested. Now there was a good idea! Hmm, and he could try a little more seduction on her.

She shook her head. "I don't think so. What on earth would I tell Richie? And besides, I don't have a DVD player."

"You ain't?" Luke replied.

"No, I don't have a television."

"No television?" he frowned, confused. How could she not have a TV?

"No, but Eddie has both... Right," she said decisively, "you come to the kitchen and keep the staff in there. They usually move to Eddie's room for more drinks afterwards. You need to keep them away for long enough for me to take a look at the discs, that is if they have been put back of course."

"C'mon Charlie, let's just go get the discs and watch them. I gotta see. Who cares where we watch them?" he replied impatiently.

"I care," she came back. "And I hardly think it's going to help you if someone finds us and starts asking questions." She sighed and rethought. "Okay, if they are there, I'll come back for you. We'll just have to come up with something to keep them away for a while," she said, finally turning to head for the building.


Charlie and Luke entered the kitchen to find that Eddie was already there with two other female staff. Charlie was relieved to see that the others had not yet joined them and so it would probably be a while until they moved to Eddie's flat in the staff block.

The three of them turned with excitement to see who had entered the kitchen.

"Yay, you made it for drinks," one of the girls enthused, filling glasses from a bottle of white wine she was holding.

"Of course she has; never lets us down when there are secret drinking parties, eh Charlie," Eddie said, taking two glasses and handing them over to Charlie and Luke. "Welcome to the madness," he said, smiling at Luke as he took the glass on offer.

"Well, I'm afraid it will only be one or two drinks tonight; Richie seems to have gone missing, and if I don't get back out there fairly soon, Doug will wonder where I am and probably come looking for me in here. Then your secret drinks will be a secret no more," she warned.

"You can have a few drinks though," the girl smiled, "besides, I seem to remember that you still have a dare outstanding from our last 'Truth or Dare' session."

Charlie laughed. "I'll have to save that for another night Debbie."

"Don't think we'll let you off that one," Eddie grinned.

"Hmm, I'm sure you won't," she replied.

They all turned then as the door opened and another girl stuck her head around it to whisper, "Hey you lot, you can't start yet; the other staff are making a fuss that we need to clear more tables before we clock off."

The three of them groaned, placing their drinks back on the counter top.

"We'll be back in a bit. Bottles are over there," Eddie said, gesturing to a plastic bag on the counter top as he passed Charlie.

"Thanks," she smiled.

Before Debbie exited the door, she turned to say, "Don't leave; we'll be back soon. It's so much fun when you stop for drinks Charlie," she said excitedly.

Charlie laughed to herself after they had left and looked up to see Luke grinning at her.

"What?" she asked.

The amused smile continued to play across his face but his eyes began to darken as he observed her. She had seen that look before and backed towards the counter top in response. He moved at the same time, closing the gap between them that she had created. She suddenly realised that she had little space to move.

"Yeah, I remember us havin' a hell of a lot of fun after a few drinks before," he said, placing one hand on the countertop at her side.

Her stomach filled with butterflies once again at his nearness and the way that his eyes made a slow assessment of her.

"So," he said softly, his voice smoky, that slight smile on his face, "How darin' you feelin' tonight Charlie?"

She took a breath to answer but stopped, letting him wait and wonder.

The next thing she knew however, someone was bursting in through the door. Charlie's head swung around and she sprung away from Luke when she realised that it was Richie standing in the doorway. He watched both of them, his eyes cold, hard and angry, before he moved into the room.

"I need to talk to Charlie," he said to Luke.

Luke crossed his arms over his chest and watched Richie suspiciously. He didn't like the tone of this guy's voice all of a sudden, or the vibes he was giving out.

"Sure," he gestured to her, "go ahead."

"Alone," Richie grated out.

"I aint…" Luke began, only to be interrupted by Charlie.

"Luke, I'll see you back out there."

He turned to her with an expression bordering on anger. Then he turned back to Richie, his face a mass of resentment and distrust. Finally he moved to leave.

"I'll be outside," he stressed to Charlie, giving Richie one last warning look before he left.


Luke headed straight back to the bar in search of Doug. He found him chatting with a group of people that Luke didn't know, but one look at the expression on Luke's face and Doug excused himself and approached him.

"Is everything okay? Where is Charlie?" he asked.

"She's inside, taking to Richie," he replied, glancing back towards the building.

A pulse throbbed in Luke's temple.

"Is something wrong?" Doug asked, observing him.

Luke turned back to Doug. "How well d'ya know this Richie guy?"

Doug looked taken aback for a moment. "I've known him for a few years. He donates quite large sums of money to charities and uses the clubs facilities for meetings," he summed up. "Why?"

Luke shrugged, not wanting to say too much. "Just kinda strange, him turnin' up here, proposin' to Charlie so quickly. Kinda makes me wonder where he got all that money from too."

Doug smiled. "Well, I don't think Charlie is any rush to accept his proposal. As for the money, I've had him checked out; he's genuine," he assured Luke.

A frown flicked across Luke's face and he turned to cast a glance around the garden area at the other guests.

"You know all these people here well?" he asked.

"All of them," Doug replied confidently. "I make it my business to know everyone."

Doug wasn't giving Luke the answers that he wanted.

"You seem a little uneasy," Doug observed. "Anything I should know about?"

Luke laughed and shrugged casually, the seriousness of his expression masked.

"Guess it must be bein' an agent; don't trust no one," he answered.

Doug wasn't fooled; something wasn't right. "If you'll excuse me, I still have arrangements to make for tomorrow," he said, leaving the bar.

Luke had little time to think over Doug's words before Sue reappeared.

"Hey stranger, I wondered where you were," she said, slipping an arm through his.

"Just been gettin' to know people," he replied vaguely.

"I've been waiting for a dance," she said, smiling sweetly up at him.

He didn't need this right now.

"You know what, I don't dance that good," he said by way of an excuse.

"Yes you do," she contradicted. "I saw you and Charlie dancing together. Come on," she urged, tugging at his arm.

He looked up then, contemplating the dance floor, and then his whole world seemed to slow to a stop. He could hear his own heart beating, the blood rushing to his head.

It was her, there in the Club. That woman the Borelli's had sent to him in New York. If she was there, there were Borelli's nearby!

He broke free from Sue's hold immediately with a rough twist of his arm. He was vaguely aware of her protest as he lunged forward into the crowd towards Bella Jackson.

To his intense frustration though, by the time he had managed to push through the people, he had lost sight of her. Standing on the edge of the dance floor, he scanned the garden helplessly.

© 2016 funflirting

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Added on October 13, 2016
Last Updated on October 13, 2016
Tags: love, romance, crime, passion