

A Poem by Haim Kadman

A poem of confused pondering.



Non posso decidere

se che l'enigm

sei tu o sono io.

Ma tuttavia carina

dobbiamo arrivare

ad un modus vivendi;

per uscire del questo 

labirinto dei sentimenti.

© Tutti I diritti riservati a Haim Kadman.

© 2019 Haim Kadman

My Review

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It's a beautiful poem that captures the complexity of relationships and the way that they can be both mysterious and alluring. The use of Italian adds an extra layer of depth and sophistication to the piece, and the way that the lines flow together creates a sense of unity and harmony. I appreciate the honesty and vulnerability that you bring to your writing, and the way that you explore the nuances of human emotion. Keep up the great work!

Posted 1 Year Ago

Ah! Alas despite the fact that I don't really speak Italian however, being able to capture such a thing in a riddle (i speak other language: Portuguese, Spanish Tetum, Bahasa & English) this brings me my own sentiment. I picked some certain word & truly I enjoy this piece of pianoforte -

Posted 4 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 1, 2019
Last Updated on May 2, 2019
Tags: literature, prose, poem, confusion, pondering


Haim Kadman
Haim Kadman

Petach-Tikva, Israel

Profile: A few words about myself: being a native of a small country whose waist is seventeen kilometers wide in a certain area; and in seven to eight hours drive one can cross its length, I was amaze.. more..

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