Painless Hearts

Painless Hearts

A Poem by Forever Hidden

Read the author's note please?....


Let Me Burn.

Let Me Die.

Let the pain take over my soul.


Trying to stand my ground.

But everything around me is falling apart.

Trying to stand the pain.


The secrets are whispering all around.

The rumors are heard by every living thing.

While I stand in the corner of the room.



The tears streaming down my cheeks.

Thinking of what I would do next.


A knife lay close by.


 The carpet is soaked by blood.

The screams will never be forgotten,


My soul now lies where everything is perfect.

Where there is no pain.

No rumors.

No secrets.

Where everything is perfect.....

© 2013 Forever Hidden

Author's Note

Forever Hidden
Feedback is much appreciated! This is my first dark poems
Lol I didn't know what to put as a title so I picked a random thingy mabobber for it XD :3
Thanks for reading!

My Review

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Very emotional. Sometimes in my life, I have that feeling to end it all to totally vanish my pains. But we have to be appreciative and grateful for every little thing we have. Do not count the pains, instead count all your blessings.
Sounds related to my poems "Resurrection" and "Miracle"

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Thank you for reviewing :)
Ahhh this is amazing! But if you ever feel like that message me and don't ever cut or kill yourself got it? Cause I will kick your....butt.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Thank you! :')
Lol haha okay
No promises made though x)

11 Years Ago

no. promises are made got it? good.
Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Yes yes they are o.O
Whoa... that sounds like... something I would write when I'm having a bad day... O,o Pretty dark... Nice job!!! :D

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Admiral Kirk

11 Years Ago

I see!!! :D
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This poem reminds me of someone. It's very good! But it's also very sad, and dark. I liked the emotion that was put into it, it worked very well :) nice work

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Thank you very much miss/sir! :)
Lady Celery

11 Years Ago

miss! haha
This is so sad! D':

You did an amazing job of capturing the emotion in this piece. I also like the alternating colors of the text. Just adds a little something more. :)

Keep it up!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Thanks!! :DDD
Ahh this is so emotional!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Yo girl
Thanks for the review
Wow really deep and emotional,
expressed your feelings very well.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

Thank you for the rview ^^

11 Years Ago

This is gorgeous! It captures emotion so well

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

I thought you left haha XD

11 Years Ago

Nope, I'm waiting on you to message me back!
Forever Hidden

11 Years Ago

You messaged me? O.o I didn't get it.. Either that or I replied or it didn't come to you
Lovely, Sky. I think you did a pretty nice job summing up the feelings here, even though you never realy stated what was causing that pain. It's still a great poem. Amazing job! :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Dark Rider

11 Years Ago

Well, it's great. :)
Great poem. Raw, pure. Good work.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on November 13, 2012
Last Updated on January 11, 2013
Previous Versions


Forever Hidden
Forever Hidden


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