A Noise In The Night

A Noise In The Night

A Poem by ~Blue Fantasy~

Just a little treat for halloween...


A Noise In The Night



One dark, cold and dreary night

A beautiful women had such a fright

Scared by a noise that came from her closet

She jumped out of bed and completely lost it

Scared and shaking, running fast

Down the hallway at last

In her night gown of silk and lace

Now, her home no longer safe

At the front door, she grabs the knob

As she hears a call from her room

Violently turning the knob as she sobs

She flung open the door fleeing from doom.

Out the door she ran away

Through the woods without delay

All alone and nowhere to stay

In the dark, dreary woods of dismay

She sat under a huge oak tree

and was somewhat shaded by it’s leaves

By the full moonlight she could see

The path she left between the trees

As she caught her breath, trying hard to be still

Her body now damp and covered in chills

Her heart pounding, her eyes wide open

Watching the path to see what unfolded

The midnight song of the owl begins

Noise from the dark, creep closer in

The trees began to shake their leaves

Footsteps along the path make her freeze

Thoughts of her life run through her head

What will they do if they find me dead

No, I can’t think that way…..

I will fight….. and be brave

She quietly grabbed a stick from behind

Instantly she was brought back through time

Back in her bed as she was before

This time no noise from her closet door

She sat there and wondered, was this a dream

It seemed all real, the fear and the screams

Shaking and chilled, her body damp

In her hand, the stick she tightly clamped






© 2011 ~Blue Fantasy~

Author's Note

~Blue Fantasy~
I really hope this is a treat for you!! This is as spooky as i get! I cant write gory or super scarey stuff but hope it was enough to set the tone of a cold dreary night! Wrote it just for something fun! Hope you enjoy it this Treat!:.)

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I really enjoyed reading this poem! I got chills up and down. I truly felt as if I were the women. Brilliant piece

Posted 12 Years Ago

it's absolutely amazing i loved it.
the rhythm was awesome

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was really great! Loved the rhyme and flow. Keep on penning.

Posted 12 Years Ago

WOW well done well well done *stands up clapping*
you did well with the rythm and how everything went.
i have nightmares that are like that, so real that its terrifying, i truly loved this , its one of my favorites, please continue to write with such intense flare :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

so beautiful ....
well done :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I fond over composing poems, but yours takes my breath away. This is the adept poem that suits Halloween and I've had dreams that resemble your poem, so real it's like it's admittedly happening.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Reality often crosses to dreams, and then back again. Kinda like a movie/book in ones head. I would've loved to know if there was something in the closet. But then it probably wouldn't have the mystery effect your piece does. I like this for All Hallows Eve. (Love to say that every year ;) ) I like your flow, a few places I got so caught up I lost the flow. Rushing to the next line to fast. The emotions while she is running and turning the knob frantic, I could feel and taste the night air and doom. Lovely poem....how bout...you got me scared of the dark again. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I enjoyed this poem. You create a very good story in this poem. Sometime hard to divide dreams from real life. A very good ending to a excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ooo I loved this one! Perfect for Halloween!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Liked it very much. I to have two halloween poems. Can you hear. And my favorite Black coldron. Your poem tells a great story. Love the feel of it. Nicely done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 25, 2011
Last Updated on October 26, 2011


~Blue Fantasy~
~Blue Fantasy~

Sweet Home, AL

I am a married mother of three children. Life is always busy, but at the end of the day I always feel very blessed! I have a strong passion to write. I enjoy writing poetry silly and serious! My ch.. more..


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