The Alone Ones

The Alone Ones

A Story by Jasmine

For those who deal with depression. Or have been in a bad place at any time of your life.

You alone say that it is a cowards  way. To most this maybe true. But for one too truly feel the emotion That drives that thought home. How could one possible know? Till you stand in those shoes of that one individual. The one who runs so hard but, can't escape there own mind. The one imprisoned there, Clawing to escape. To feel the raw emotion that bombarded the soul. They dream to be someone else, They dream to be accepted. I doubt you ever even see them, nor noticed. The ones whom beg for death who can't deal. The ones judged, so wrongly. The ones invisible, forgotten. They all Carried the same weight, shoulders are about to break. They look for a way out till the only way is darkness. They stand alone in the shadows. Body, mind, and soul all screaming to be seen. To be helped, to only make it stop. But they were never seen.       
                       They were all easily forgotten.

© 2016 Jasmine

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well, it well defines the situations of a broken person but think what a depressed person feels after reading this, will this cheer them up? I am just a kid i have no right, to say but writers are like magicians they play their tricks to stimulate smiles, comfort and relief. anyway amazingly written out there, bud.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Jasmine, I think this is a Wonderful study on a heart of a broken person, you just stunningly expressed the feelings of a depressed person... There are not too many people who understand the pain of those brokenhearteds... You did a superb job to point out the different characteristics of how they feel... I can totally relate to it as I have been in that situation...


Posted 8 Years Ago

Thank you for this, loved it, brought tears to my eyes, well, ok, so the tears were already started while I wrote my last piece, but your writing brought more with a glimpse of a smile at the understanding. Well worded, and spot on.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 2, 2016
Last Updated on June 2, 2016
Tags: dark, art, word art, creative writing, sadness, depression, alone, dark place, mental heath, misunderstood, hold on, real life, problem, suicide



near that place over there, NC

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