My Own Misery

My Own Misery

A Poem by Canicus

I thought you were the one...

the one who could pull me from the dark

but I was wrong about you

although you did leave a big mark


you started to save me

I thought you were actually aiding

but you just pushed me in further

and watched as I started fading


I guess happiness isn't meant for me

and I have to live in agony

might as well stop trying

I'm never going to be free


it's all just a game

picking me up then dropping me

flat on my face

not even putting me down carefully


I'm not meant to have love

not meant to be happy

no real smiles for me

just to set in my own misery

© 2011 Canicus

Author's Note

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I've been dropped, too. I thought someone would love me and be able to deal with my craziness and my tendency to push people away. But I made a huge mistake and fell straight on my face. I can relate....great piece...

Posted 10 Years Ago

such sad sombre words and then you hit us with:
"it's all just a game
picking me up then dropping me
flat on my face
not even putting me down carefully'
which left me smiling at the image in my mind...grin..

Posted 10 Years Ago

It is good. I enjoyed the story in this and the way you expressed that, and how there was also a meaning intertwined with it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very emotional. I loved it :DDD

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was a great piece. The flow was awesome. You did a really great job extracting emotions. I could relate to the piece. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Interesting. I really like the flow and sense some disappointment maybe. Keep it up!

Writing keeps the dream alive

Posted 12 Years Ago

i am going threw that... i like this

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very well written Joshua. Some of us, I'm afraid, are destined to feel that way you describe so well. It's a disease of our times. Writing helps, saves, and cleanses.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Stark, up front and chimes to the reader, well done, good read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

i've felt that way about a guy befor, so i can relate. it shows what real life can be like.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Added on October 14, 2011
Last Updated on October 14, 2011




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