it wasn't enough...

it wasn't enough...

A Chapter by Prose-full

no matter how much you love someone..sometimes love itself isn't enough to keep you in love...


"when i tell you -i wish i never met you-

it's only because my heart aches so incredibly bad, 

what i really want to say is -i wish you never left-


when i tell you -i hate you-

it's only because it felt like my world was ending,

and i really meant is...

-i love you with all i have, and i can't stand to see you to go-


i even tell myself-i wish i could forget her-

only because i think you've
already forgotten about me;
-i'm afraid i wont ever forget her-


-we often times will say things we don't mean when we are hurt or afraid-




hoping to give you space,
when you were confused and unavailable...

...your mind, body, and soul was not at all connected


thinking that what you needed was understanding;

having you in mind;thinking that was best for you only made you angry...


...and then your hurtful words linger
 -i guess you aren't in love enough with me to stay-

instead of embracing your feelings and saying
 -i know how much i love you;and i don't want you to go;
i'm just afraid-


-we, as lovers, often times say things we don't mean when we are hurt or afraid-




i loved hard,

only to be reminded that..

-there is nothing easy about losing-


left with unsolvable questions..
-what happened...we were happy and calm just a week ago..
i was feeling complete with she, what just happened-



watching love walk away after you loved so deeply...

...escorts you to heart-wrenching pain;

shreds your heart and soul,

and then attempts to devour the sane parts of your mind..


..leaving you empty,
bleeding sadness...
...attemping to drown you.


 what is it with love...

it makes you feel so good inside

until it is taken away.. lead you into a degenerating bliss




i cried a thousand tears;didn't bring you back,though

 the rivers that flood from my eyes

didn't show you the route back home..

...back to the love that we had

couldn't we;try to pick out the happier pieces

and edit our relationship.



it is quite unfortunate...

...that giving all, sacrificing time and energy, being in love;


that love itself wasn't enough to keep us

together and in love with eachother.. just wasn't.

© 2008 Prose-full

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Constantly I was nodding.

Feeling the want and need as if I was the one writting this beautiful peice.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 10, 2008
Last Updated on April 10, 2008



Houston , TX

hey my creative brothers and sisters of the's been a long time and a lot has changed. I don't write as often, I've been busy with college essays...I still love the creative pen, though. I am.. more..

untitled untitled

A Poem by Prose-full