chapter .1  i asked and he said yes

chapter .1 i asked and he said yes

A Chapter by Scarlet Love

most of these are verryy old in other words my writing sills have improved since the first few of these came out. youll be able to tell once i have the last chapter ive written up..


Sakura hurano is walking alone in a forest on the afternoon of a beautiful spring day.
She can here the brids singing, the grasshoppers chirping, and the near srteam crakling, but she also heres something else. In the distance a faint humming of a person.
She follows the sound of the humming until she gets to the edge of the large stream.
She looks up and there on a huge rock in the middle of the stream sasuke uchiha sat humming a small tune, not noticing sakura he keeps on with his humming.
“Sasuke-kun? What are you doing here?” Asked sakura quietly.
Sasuke heard her and stoped humming. “Oh hi sakura-chan, I didn’t see you there!” He said. “Umm I’m just relaxing after that early morning mission, how about u?”
“Umm yeah! Me too, just taking a nice walk to cool down!” Said sakura.
“Hey sasuke-kun?” She asked.
“Yes sakura-chan?”
“Ummm”…”could I sit up there with you?”
“Uhhh”… sasuke studered “sure I don’t see why not” he said and patted the spot on the rock next to him.
Sakura used some small stepp stones to reach the rock and then climed up.
“so how are you sasuke’kun?” she asked
sasuke blushed “umm I’m fine!” “how about you?”
sakura hesitated for a few seconds before answering.
“umm sasuke-kun.”  “I know you know I like you”
“and since I never accualy have I think ill give it a shot”
sasuke was confused
“sasuke-kun will you go out with me? Like on a date?”
many thoughts rushed through sasukes head. He knew he always liked her
he just didn’t know why.
He was blushing like crazy. “sure sakura-chan. Ill go out with you!”
Sakura gt really excited after hearing such a response.
“oh really u will! That’s great!!!”
“yeah” said sasuke. “how about u meet at my house around 9 tonight and we’ll go someplace special!”
“oh wonderfull sasuke-kun!!!” sakura despratley trying to hold back her enthusiasm.
“ 9 tonight see you there!!!” she jumped off the rock and skiped across the step stones and ran back to her house to pick out what she’d were!
“hey sakura-chan!” sasuke yelled.
She stoped and turned around.
“were a bathing suit under you cloths!”
sakura smiled nodded and started running again!

© 2009 Scarlet Love

My Review

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Looks like it could be an interesting fanfic.
I would edit the chapter, add detail, description and clean up spelling errors

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like to read a fanfic every once and a while. This was nice.

Posted 14 Years Ago

if u do take the time to read this which its more for teens and my fans from DA but w/e. IIF YOU DO....note that i would edit it so that its more up to date with my recent writing skills but im way to lazy xD if i did chapter one , id have to do them all up to about chapter 5. and im certainly not going to that. anyway my point is if you dont like my skills from when i was about 11 ^_^ then don't read this. (thinks to self) "there was so much less criticism on DA gowsh"

Posted 15 Years Ago

This has the potential to become a very interesting story. As you've said in your description above, I'm sure your skills have improved since this was put to paper so I won't go into big details about your spelling and grammar so I'll just say something quick.
You might want to edit this so when people do read it they dont repeat this. :) just helping

Her Majesty,
The Queen

Posted 15 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on March 22, 2009
Last Updated on March 22, 2009


Scarlet Love
Scarlet Love

Philadelphia, PA

Hi, my name is Bri and I’m a psychopath. I'm sixteen years old, i'm a pescatarian by choice, .. more..
