Sweet Seduction

Sweet Seduction

A Poem by Lilmissfit

The feeling of your soft lips
wandering down my neck
Always lingering in my mind
Every night,every day

The sweet memory of your gentle touch
Creating an ache i cant explain
Something i dont understand
In someway left unsatisfied

To hunger for something unknown
Yet instinctively known
Like an unfinished puzzle
Only you can put together

The sweet promises of your kisses
Captivate me, an unspoken challenge
Too tempting to ignore
and no will to resist

with every caress leaves me breathless
demanding helplessly for more
every loud cry, every soft moan
faded as you wispered gently in my ear

sing to me
let yourself be free,
free to love me

© 2012 Lilmissfit

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This is a wonderfully deep and tantalizing poem. It makes you Absoluty feel the desire and the passion flowing through it.

The sweet memory of your gentle touch
Creating an ache i cant explain
Something i dont understand
In someway left unsatisfied

The lovely feel of two lovers begining and Feeling fot the first time. Awesome!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Beautifully erotic :) I felt very relaxed and loved :) hehe

Posted 9 Years Ago

very passionate and full of longing. love the last line, let yourself be free,
free to love me. well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

nice piece.. EROTHICK(sic)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very well written, a sweet seduction of a read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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love this unchained piece. love without limitations...desire unbound. excellent write!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I will try again--- My first review vanished.

Sing to me, let yourself be free, free to love me.

How can mortal man ever be expected to repeat such
perfect words. Your perfect man, breathing in your
ear, words of passion, wisdom and strength.
My heart bleeds for you , I ache for your mind and
body to recover , to remember this sweet love, to
never forget. You will feel again, but your memories
will help you to regain the feeling that was.
Absolutely beautiful and perfectly written.
---- John

Posted 12 Years Ago

The idea of a gentle lover is so forgien sometimes that we really aren't sure what "gentle" intales. But I will say that this lover of yours can teach a few some lessons.. I am abso in love with the picture you told from your heart..even though you miss the connection and feel of his softness next to you. The warmth that seeps into your being as you share time and space within eachothers arms. Seems as an eternity between being with them and having to await the next time to share loving embraces. But...some of your images could also be just from laying snuggled watching tv or companionable book reading. The constant touch of hands...whispers in ears...kisses shared don't always have to have intent behind them. They just are..because we love to show affection towards our other half. Beautiful pictures you have sent out with these words of yours. I abso love how it's like you are musing to yourself and thinking of all the wonder as you write in your diary about him :) Another lovely write :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

To hunger for something unknown
Yet instinctively known
Like an unfinished puzzle
Only you can put together

awww.. really liked this part.. its so true, isnt it..

glad i stopped by.. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

You have a unique style .... you telling your story in such a wonderful way , make me want to listen to your Voice ... you touching most intimate and sensative subject with a tender touch of your words .. beautiful :) Yossi

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very sensual!
Try being more specific with something "unknown": do you mean mysterious? haunting? exotic? secret?
Your poems are about you, so let us see the flavor of something only you would say!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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13 Reviews
Added on December 25, 2011
Last Updated on January 4, 2012



Wapheton, ND

Im me. Im the kinda person that wont pretend to be somethin im not. I like to have fun, laugh, be happy, make my friends and family happy, I make misstakes I wish I could take back. I stand up for wha.. more..


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