The Shadow Of A Day

The Shadow Of A Day

A Poem by Lilmissfit

Ive often wondered why the heavens cry

I lay on the hard cold ground
looking up at the stars
through blue eyes that told so many stories
that have never been heard
and never will be

The anger and resentment that had always swam through my veins
slowly faded till nothing was left
but painful memories

Scars that never fully healed and never will
are my reminders of the pain
anger, and sorrow
I knew my heart would never forget

Every rain drop that fell
told its own sad story

Ive often roamed the hills and its forest
searching for the part of me that I lost
I know Ill never find her again

I walked endlessly through the rain
until the light of day bathed my skin
in mocking warmth
that never really reached my eyes

I tried to keep it from you
I prayed every night, every day
that when you looked in my eyes
youd never see whats inside
What Ive tried so desperately to hide

I always tried to hide it well
but I could never help
but to wonder what you see
when you look at me

Behind the mask is a face that never felt the warmth of day
Has never felt the soothing tears of heaven
and never would

Forever waiting for eternity to end

© 2012 Lilmissfit

My Review

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Very passionate piece.
Wonderful write.
Love the following lines.

"Every rain drop that fell
told its own sad story"

Posted 12 Years Ago

Really brilliant poem (or story.) Enjoyed reading and re-reading it very much

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great word usage I liked it a lot keep it up.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Par. 1--- Expressing anguish, dispare.
Par. 2----Painful memories remain, resentment gone.
Par. 3----The old scars are now an open wound
that remind you of the pain and sorrow .
Par. 4----Everu raindrop loaded with nostalgia .
Par. 5----Often searching for the part of you that`s lost.
Par. 6----Although warm daylight bathes you, what you see is only rain.
Par. 7----You seek to hide your sorrow from him.
Par. 8----Although you try to hide the sorrow, you wonder if he knows.
Par. 9----You remain cold to life, as with a mask.
Par. 10---You feel that with his passing, it is the beginning of your
eternity which you wait forever to end.
Your poem is incredibly sad. Introspective, looking , waiting for
solutions to a problem that you believe has no end.
The end will come and when you least expect it the sun will shine '
again, you will feel love, you will once again take your throne among
the people who love and need you.
Beautiful story told with brilliance and humility.
---- John

Posted 12 Years Ago

Is it that you lost somebody or the you that was happy?? I'm puzzled. The story you told is definately one that I could feel and connect to...but was it a somebody or just that happy side of your being and now you are trapped in a world where you find no joy, no laughter, no love, no kindness...not anything positive?? You posted this on xmas day..wonder if that was specific or just so happened to be the day you just posted it. You finished it after New Year's too...almost as though those 2 holidays have great signifigance for you. (I may be just reads that way to me) Very like you are just sitting under the stars and contemplating things...mummbles in your head or just talking out loud to the sky...very pretty piece you wrote. Your tears would help to wash away the mask and help you feel the days warmth just have to want them too :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

The pain of being unhappy is so hard when your in a relationship. For whatever reasons there are, their always there like a shadow that follows you around, clinging to the back of your mind. Sad write. Nice one Alexis.

Posted 12 Years Ago

The pain is evident thoughout the entire piece, and never moreso than in the last (and brilliant) line, "Forever waiting for eternity to end." A wonderful write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on December 25, 2011
Last Updated on January 4, 2012



Wapheton, ND

Im me. Im the kinda person that wont pretend to be somethin im not. I like to have fun, laugh, be happy, make my friends and family happy, I make misstakes I wish I could take back. I stand up for wha.. more..


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