In All These Little Things

In All These Little Things

A Poem by Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

The secrets we keep can hold life altering pain for others long after we are gone.

In All These Little Things



Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

In a box hidden away from the world
Filled with tokens of desire and sorrow 

In remnants of past haunted affections
Within little things taken and borrowed 

Novelties poignant hoarded by heart
Foibles strewn in secretive reliquary

Reminders of the piece of us so hidden
In the depths of our souls that we bury

But what should come to light; affirm
Amongst the things we seek to conceal 

For purloin passions breed broken hearts
In unhappiness and angst that's revealed

Old love letters wrapped in red ribbon
Hidden from view of the past

Yet time has a way of revealing its truth
In the webs of the lies that we cast...

© 2022 Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

Author's Note

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada
"Mommy issues!" my muse Cate asked me, while rocking my old body in her arms like a baby.
"Why, no. Why would you ask?" I said and than requested her to hand me my pacifier on the nightstand by my bed. Oedipus Rex...I hardly knew him? It is strange the lies and secrets kept hidden can profoundly effect generationally. Pain has the lasting effects to last beyond our lives and choices. Feel free to comment, troll, or leave kind thoughts. CLE

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No lie can withstand time. Profound truth to be had in the fracture of your language. And your notes just make it all so much more intriguing! I'm beginning to wonder if Cate is creation or reality? Maybe both!

Posted 2 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

2 Years Ago

I often wonder about her too. Perhaps she's a fractured portion of my troubled psyche; the anima to .. read more
The cadence and word choices add so much to this poem. While the flow is very readable, the word choices denote a mature, and intelligent speaker. But further than that, the cadence has a sudden, almost startled quality. There's something about the end of the lines that have punch. I enjoyed reading it. Well done

Posted 2 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

2 Years Ago

Thank you kindly for taking the time to read and comment on this piece. You have a very observant ey.. read more
Death's Poet

2 Years Ago

Splinter is such an apt word to use, but beautifully splintered.
And of course, it was a ple.. read more
Well written. Such wonderful words of wisdom revealing the hidden psyche and subconscious. Well penned.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

2 Years Ago

Thank you Soren for your comment on this poem. I feel this piece can be interpreted in many differen.. read more
A well-written poem, Carlos. I read it twice. Nice title as well, shows good perspective. You educated me with the word Purloin: "steal (something)". Thank you for that. I also liked the red ribbon tieing the old letter. Was your muse always named Cate? I thought it was something else, but I don't recall. NIce reading another poem of yours. tyfs

Posted 2 Years Ago

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Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

2 Years Ago

Thank you Cyprian for the kind words on this piece. Yup, my muse has stolen the visage of the Austr.. read more
Cyprian Van Dyke

2 Years Ago

You're most welcome. I got to get me a muse personified:)

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14 Reviews
Added on April 28, 2022
Last Updated on April 28, 2022
Tags: sorrow pain depression lies


Carlos Lorenzo Estrada
Carlos Lorenzo Estrada

salinas , CA

If I can say something worth saying that makes just one person think about others...I'll try. The greatest storyteller was my grandmother. I miss her stories. Also, I would like to add to please pay.. more..


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