Secret Episode Beta: Novae Terrae

Secret Episode Beta: Novae Terrae

A Chapter by Miles W.

Secret Episode 2 of 3.



All the Pieces

Lie Where They Fell

All That Remains

Is to Pick Them Back Up

And Start A New Game.






Somewhere In the Wilderness




            Natalie stepped over another broken branch as she reached where the airship made its emergency landing.  Several Atlesian soldiers were scanning the area, while others were inspecting the inside of the ship.  Natalie stepped inside and saw the broken remains of the medical pod that was carrying her brother.  She ran her hand along the few intact parts of the glass, not sure how to process everything.  But then, something caught her eyes off to the side.  She got down on one knee, and reached for something sitting beneath one of the chairs in the cargo hold.


            Miles and Ty approached the airship having just arrived themselves.  Miles looked over his Scroll reading the initial reports.

            “Why do you think he did it?” Ty asked as they got closer to the airship.

            “Did what?” Miles asked back while still reading through his Scroll.

            “If Nathan really did break out of there, and given his state of mind when we fought him a few days ago, that person probably would have caused the airship to explode in mid-air killing everybody on board.  Or even if he just knocked them all out, he could have let the airship crash and leave them all to die.  But he activated the emergency landing sequence to save everyone.  That doesn’t sound like his current mental state.”

            “He’s crazy Ty” Miles said with a sigh as he put his Scroll away.  “I’m willing to bet it was some kind of stupid power trip to show how much of a waste of time it would have been for him to kill those few guards.”

            “Maybe.  But even though he did go crazy, he had this weird desire to constantly scream about how right he was to do what he was doing.  Maybe he left some kind of weird message for us to find where he screams about how he will be back like some stupid cartoon villain.”

            “I wouldn’t put it past him honestly” Miles said with a sigh.  As they reached the airship, Natalie stepped out holding onto something with a confused look on her face.

            “Something the matter?” Ty asked as he approached her.

            “He left his clubs behind” Natalie said revealing that she was holding the twin clubs that Nathan used to wield.

            “Wait,” Miles said grabbing one of the clubs.  “wasn’t Ember using these a few days ago?  How’d they get here?”

            “Ember left them by his side when they took him” Natalie said handing the other one to Ty.  “She told me it was in case he ever woke up and decided that he was ready to be her father once again.”

            “Well if he left them behind,” Miles said stepping into the airship, “then he probably still sees them as a reminder of who he used to be and decided to cast them aside.”

            “I’m not so sure about that theory” Ty said looking over the club even further.  “Nathan didn’t use these weapons to begin with because if Ferish Tenebris used them at the same level of proficiency as Nathan did, then it would have made the connection that they were one and the same even more obvious.  Now that everybody knows who he is, I would think that given his obsession with his mentor and how he believes that he’s doing all that he’s done for her, he would want to reclaim the weapons that she gave to him.  Maybe this is supposed to be a different kind of message?”

            “We’ll figure it out later” Natalie said with a sigh.  She pulled out her scythe and cut down the remainder of a broken tree to give herself a smooth surface to sit on rather than a jagged one.  “For now, we need to get these soldiers some medical attention and try to figure out where he ran off to.”

            “I’ll get a search party organized” Miles said making his way back towards his own airship.  “If he’s out there, there’s no telling what kind of chaos and destruction he might cause.”







1 Year Later






            A city at night, the lights of the skyscrapers glow brightly, and atop the tower is a giant pillar of dark energy.  We see several people rushing up a flight of stairs fighting back monsters of darkness, each of them with unique weapons and armor.  Blades that resemble keys almost.  One person charges forward.  He is a young man who looks just like Miles, but his clothes are slightly different.  He is sporting a blue shirt with black shorts, a blue light jacket, and he is also running forward with a blue blade with a symbol forming the teeth.  We see a figure dressed in a black coat on top of the tower, surrounded by shadows and other monsters, raising his hand, causing the power to rise even further.  Once more we see another of the party below, this time a figure who looks much like Jacob, sporting a white coat and another blade that is casting magic.  Another of the party reveals himself to look much like Ty, sporting a red trench coat with a black shirt and combat pants.  His blade projects a protective barrier knocking back a giant dark monster.  We see the cloaked figure once more, this time seeing him with an evil grin.  We cut back down to the figure resembling Miles, and see him charging several enemies at a super-fast rate.  It appears as if he is slicing them but doing no damage, but once he reaches the end of the horde, he lands on one knee, his eyes closed.  Then, he opens them and the creatures behind him burst into nothingness.  Then we see the party standing atop a building, looking down as the darkness is beginning to swallow everything.  They leap down into the darkness, and several shadow creatures rush forward to stop them.  Ty creates a barrier, protecting themselves from the shadows, while Jacob casts an ice spell, creating a column down into the deeper darkness, which Miles flies down into.  Miles then prepares his blade as he sees the cloaked figure floating before him, and is about to kill him.  When suddenly, a giant monster breaks through the pit, and the cloaked figure stands now on the monster’s hand as Miles slowly stands back up with the rest of the party, as another giant monster prepares to attack.  Miles then summons his blade from thin air, spins it around and points it at the enemy.  Camera zooms into his eye.



Verum Lumen

Now in Development.




Beacon Academy





            Miles closed out the video player, and he and Blake had looks of excitement on their faces.

            “I can’t believe it Daniel!” Blake said with a squee.  “You’re finally getting your first lead role!”

            “This is so awesome son!” Miles said with a smile.  “So when is it going to be done?”

            “Well, this is a bit of a new idea that the director is working with” Daniel said scratching his head in embarrassment.  “It’s possible that some elements might change before the final film is done.  We just did this to try and get investors excited about the project.”

            “Well, it’s exciting nonetheless” Miles said with a smile.  “And holy smokes, you’re looking more and more like your old man everyday kiddo.”

            “Yeah, I know.  Don’t remind me” Daniel said with a laugh.

            “It’s great exposure” Blake said with a smile.  “The fact that you’re as young as you are and getting roles like this even without your famous last name is a huge step in the right direction!”

            “I prefer to be behind the camera, but hey, acting can be pretty fun too!”

            “I bet.  Well, we gotta go kiddo.  Talk to you later.”

            “All right.  Tell Aurora I said hi.”

            “Will do.”  With that, they ended the call and slowly got up from their table.  “So now what?” Blake asked stretching her arms.

            “I think we should head back to the main office” Miles said with a sigh.  “It’s been so long since we’ve gotten any leads on Nathan’s whereabouts and Beanie is bugging me about getting some reports on the final arrest orders for the last remaining scraps of the Order still kicking.  So best to make sure that’s taken care of before I get a lecture about how lazy I am.”  The two of them chuckled and made their way towards Ozpin’s old office.




Beacon Medical Ward

Ozpin’s Room




            The machines continued to chug along. Nothing changing, nothing failing, everything continued on in a rhythmic pattern.  Suddenly, Ozpin shot straight up with his eyes wide open.  The machines started going crazy.  But before anybody could hear or even react to him waking up, Ozpin was running out the doors and through the halls of the medical ward.  Several nurses and staff noticed him running, and tried to stop him to no avail.  Anybody who tried to get in his way Ozpin simply pushed aside while running as fast as he possibly could.  He then leapt out of a nearby window and landed in the fields outside.  Quickly looking around, he saw Beacon Tower, and started flying right towards his office.




Ozpin’s Office




            Ruby continued to pour over several different documents that were floating around.

            “I can’t believe that one random idiot from the Order a few months back spilled the entire beans about every single one of the Order’s remaining hideouts and members” she said flipping through one of the many other files lying around the office.  “How soon did Jacob say he and his team could take out that cell by where Ren and Nora live?”

            “He said they would be captured by the end of this week” Beanie said as he filed a few more documents and logged them on the computer.  “And once Miles gets back to me with those arrest warrants, that should be the last of the Order we ever have to deal with who isn’t locked up or dead.”

            “Outside of Nathan of course” Christy said as she walked in from the elevator.  “And according to Ty, there’s still been no luck in finding him.”

            “Might be for the best” Evan said as he looked out the window.  “He hasn’t done anything in over a year.  Maybe he’s just content with hiding out for the rest of his life.”

            “Regardless of what he’s doing now,” Beanie said as he put the computer into sleep mode, “Nathan committed crimes against the four kingdoms.  He still needs to stand trial.  He might not get as lengthy of a sentence as Imperia did because of his history but still.”

            “Why is she still alive again?” Natalie asked as she sat down across from Beanie.  “We got all we needed to destroy the Order for good without her help.  We only kept her alive in case she spilled anything, but she has no reason to still being alive at this point.”

            “We’re going to have another trial for her once the Order is completely taken care of as one final judgement against the Order as a whole” Beanie said with a sigh.  “And it’s probably a safe bet that the judge will order capital punishment for her.”

            “I don’t think we should be worrying about that right now….” Evan said as he slowly started backing away from the window.  Everybody looked out and saw Ozpin flying right towards them.  Before they could even process what was happening, Ozpin smashed through the window and landed in the middle of his office.  And not even a moment passed before Ozpin rushed off to the side towards his secret library where his tomes and journals were kept.  He opened the secret passage and ran inside without so much as blinking.  Once everybody caught up with what was happening, they quickly ran in after Ozpin.  Once they caught up to him, the saw him pull out a vial from an old bag sitting next to one of his oldest journals.  From there, he ran over to a basin off to the side.  He waved his hands around casting magic spells, and water appeared out of thin air and filled the dry basin.  After doing that, he opened the vial and poured it into the basin.  Just as everybody else ran into the room, the basin started glowing, and several lights shot out and danced around the entire room like sparklers and fireworks.  Once the dust settled, all that remained was a glowing light from the basin, and Ozpin clutching its sides, his face in horror at what he was witnessing.

            “What on Remnant just happened?!” Christy exclaimed as everybody tried to fit into the room.  Ozpin stepped away from the basin, and motioned for them to join him.  They all walked over, and looked into the glowing pool.  Instead of simple water, they started at what appeared to be an image.  Several stars glowing bright in the night sky, and several beams of light connecting them all together.  And at the center of it all was a bright red star, where all of the beams of light were connected to.

            “Are we supposed to know what this is before seeing it?” Evan asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

            “This is our world” Ozpin said pointing at the red star in the center.  “And these are all the worlds that were born from it.”

            “Born from our world?” Natalie asked leaning in closer.  “I thought you said that the gods of Light and Darkness created this world separately.”

            “They did” Ozpin said as he grabbed one of his journals.  “But there was more to it than that.”




Eons Ago

The Meeting Between the gods, Ozpin, and Salem





            Ozpin poured some more tea, and the god of Light gladly took a sip of it.

            “Truly amazing what these things we created can create with the resources given to them” he said with a chuckle.

            “Technically we did not create them brother” the god of darkness said as he examined his cup with curiosity.  “That was the work of our other creation.”

            “True, but we created the being and his mind.  From there, he created others like him, and now we have these marvelous creatures to observe.”

            “I’m so glad that you enjoy patting yourselves on the back here,” Salem said with a sigh, “but perhaps we could get back to our original topic of conversation.  You said you had something to show us both?”

            “Indeed we do child” the god of light said placing his cup on the table.  With a wave of his hand, it was almost as if the four of them were transported to another location.  A starry night sky hanging above them with a reflective water beneath them, that only reacted when touched.  The stars lit up the sky, and had several rays of light connecting them all.

            “What is this place?” Ozpin asked slowly standing up from his chair.

            “This you simple being,” the god of Darkness said with a sigh, “is the multiverse.”

            “Each and every action taken by one of you in your world creates an alternative reality where the opposite action has been taken” the god of light said.  He waved his hand, and several stars formed around a single glowing red star in the center.  This star did not have any rays of light connecting it to any others, but stars did fly out of it every so often.  “For example, here in this world, you served us tea to drink.  However, in another world created from this one, you decided to serve us coffee.  Or perhaps a world where your father decided to keep one batch of humans and never create either of you.  And so on.  Ad Infinitum.  These worlds are all connected to one another.  However, my brother and I were curious to see what would happen to this world if left alone by all other beings besides ourselves.  As time progresses, it is inevitable that people in the other worlds will discover means of transporting themselves through dimensions.  Perhaps a vengeful warrior bent on seeking out every last incarnation of the man who killed her child.  Or perhaps a scientist who looks at all the different outcomes and possibilities of his experiments instead of experiencing and dealing with the consequences himself.  Your world will be separate from all of this.  You will not be able to receive any visitors from these other realities, nor will you be able to travel to these realities.  You will have to live with your victories and defeats and grow without the possibility of finding a world that better suits your needs.”

            “There is no way that we can ever interact with these worlds?” Salem asked leaning forward in curiosity.

            “There is one way” the god of Darkness said with a chuckle.  “The gift we gave your father, the Relic of Connection.  It has many uses.  Its primary use is to open gates between many different places related to your world.  The Realm of Darkness, the Realm of the Dead, a gateway to speak directly my brother and I, it can be a gateway between your cities and towns, and many other uses.  However, if you or anyone openly declares that you wish to travel to another world with the Relic in your possession, it will break the seal, and open your world to all the different realities in existence.  And there is no closing it once you have opened the door.”

            “Why give us that kind of power at all if you want us to be completely isolated from all the other worlds?” Ozpin asked taking another sip of tea.  “Does it not defeat the very purpose of what you hope to accomplish with observing our world?”

            “It gives you a choice” the god of Light said.  “A chance to either find a new discovery and victory through this very path, or a defeat by opening your gates to a horde of wolves hungry for what your world can offer that theirs can’t.  Be very careful, and do not waste such a power.”





Ozpin’s Secret Library

Present Day





            Everybody was shocked hearing what Ozpin told them.

            “Nathan said that he didn’t think Ember belonged in this world” Natalie said grabbing her head in terror.  “He was holding the Relic of Connection when he said this, and it decided to open the door for all the other universes to come in.”

            “Yes” Ozpin said as he poured the water from the basin out the hole in the window that he flew in from.  “And for all we know, other-dimensional beings have already made their way here, infiltrating this world and exploiting it for their own gain.”

            “What can we do?” Ruby asked walking up next to Ozpin.  Ozpin placed his hands behind his back, and sighed.

            “We must be vigilant.  There is no telling who or what will eventually arrive from another world to take whatever they want.”





Atlas Prison Facility

The Cell of Anima Imperia





            Imperia paced back and forth, shivering as the cold winds of Atlas continued to pour in through the open window of her cell.  It was protected by a force field to prevent her from getting out, but not from the elements getting in.  Her Semblance was too much of a drain to telekinetically keep the elements out, so she focused her Aura to try and keep herself alive.  Suddenly, a giant sound echoed through the halls of the prison, like a bell tolling.  Then, a wave of energy exploded, knocking Imperia back against the wall.  Once the energy passed, it then retracted back in on itself, and formed a giant glowing portal.  From that glowing portal, stepped out a much younger looking Lord Memoriare, a sick smile sliding across his face.

            “You managed to remain alive” he said with a chuckle.  “You truly are worthy of the next phase.”

            “What is the meaning of this?” Imperia yelled standing up quickly.

            “I figured you would be far more grateful to your liberators” a new voice said from the portal.  Imperia took a step back, recognizing the voice.  A figure in a black coat wearing a hood stepped out of the portal, and stood before Imperia.

            “How….this is…….” Imperia stuttered as she stared at the figure.

            “Kneel” the voice commanded.  Not wasting a second, Imperia fell to one knee.  “Now then, we must leave.  There is much still to be done.”  With that, the three of them then walked into the portal, and disappeared, the portal dissipating seconds after their departure.  Alarms sounded, and the prison was in a panic.  Nothing was left other than the cold, empty prison cell.






The Door Is Open

The Lock Is Broken 

Actions Have Consequences

One War Ended

Another Is About to Begin.








© 2020 Miles W.

Author's Note

Miles W.
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Added on June 21, 2020
Last Updated on November 19, 2020
Tags: Adventure, Action, Anime, Fan Fiction, RWBY

RWBY: War of Seasons


Miles W.
Miles W.

Columbus, OH

I am a recent graduate with a degree in Film Production. My dream is to become a film director, creating my own stories. I love writing stories and fan fiction. Please check it out, share and revie.. more..

Introduction Introduction

A Chapter by Miles W.