

A Poem by Mazie Tackett

Time is forever,

but forever we are not.

I don't know nor willI ever,

why immortality is so greatly sought.


Life without death

is no life at all.

To breathe life's breath,
and not ever walk heavens hall.


We would not work with much determination

Should we have an amount of time untold.

Grasping life's sensation

that in your hand you now hold.

© 2012 Mazie Tackett

Author's Note

Mazie Tackett
this one is a little different but they are all mine own poems i love hearing you input so please tell me what you think

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A greatly powerful message well told. I looooove your titles.

Posted 12 Years Ago

i couldnt of said it better

Posted 12 Years Ago

perfect way of putting it

Posted 12 Years Ago

so, so true my friend. i have felt this for awhile, but you have said it so perfectly, there is no way for me to even bother making a poem about this subject. great work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

It's good. Really good. Life is a gift, but in a way, so is death.

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow it's really good I love the rhyme scheme great job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Again, beat me to the punch. Good though

Posted 12 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on June 6, 2012
Last Updated on June 6, 2012


Mazie Tackett
Mazie Tackett


My name is Mazie Tackett. I'm unusual, diiferent, weird. I've never really been that good with people so I don't have many friends, but the friends I do have love me to death and i love them. I've bee.. more..

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