My Heart's Apocalypse

My Heart's Apocalypse

A Poem by Undying Glory

Just a little something I wrote when I was feeling really down...


 My Heart’s Apocalypse


It’s too late to talk now

‘Cos now we’re just too far gone

It’s too late for us now

I’ve just been crawling for too long


Emptiness around me now

And the wind bites against my skin

Everything’s lost now

And my world falls from within


Do you know how it felt

As you took those steps and walked away

As I held your hand

But you turned around, and the skies turned gray


We couldn’t be together

Or so you said as the world fell down

I thought we’d last forever

But hope just couldn’t be found


So goodbye to those days, shatter my heart

Will I emerge from the wreck I’ve become?

Everything’s gone, all ripped apart

Plunging deep into blackened doom


Tear myself apart in a trice

Vanish off the face of the world

Utterly consumed in fire and ice

I won’t come back now you’ve left, my girl. 


© 2009 Undying Glory

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damn. stop making people cry, because now im about to cry. RAWR. *sigh* you should stop writing poems, so they can stop being so good, and i can stop feeling so sad.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is so sad. I understand completely how you feel. This has so much raw emotion. The wording is great. It's a really well written piece.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This poem has a ton of genuine emotion in it. I've noticed that you rhyme alot in your pieces. Its strange because your thoughts are fluid and they dont seem forced. The pace you set with your stanzas makes it all easy to read and that leaves plenty of room for the emotions to shine through. I like your poetry, butI think your true calling is a song writer.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Awww so sad. Its so relatable because we've all certainly felt this way at one time or another. I just adore the way your write. It flows well, is easy to read, and is still beautiful. You have quite a talent :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Great poem, you are certainly a talented writer! And I can relate to this piece! :-)

Posted 14 Years Ago

im going through this kind of situation right now. I wish that my guy was able to see how im feeling besides me telling him. I love this poem. Very well written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Reall conveyed the feeling. Its a deep pain, that of loss. Well written

Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh my, I know this pain, it feels really palpable, and you have done a wonderful job of conveying something so personal and so awful. I want to tell you this is a great poem, but your pain is so real that what I really want to say is, I'm so sorry your hurting so.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 3, 2009


Undying Glory
Undying Glory

Singapore, Singapore

The average guy you'd meet on the street, only with a hidden streak. Or several, for that matter. 24 year old, 4th year medical student, studying in Dundee, Scotland. Never underestimate the pow.. more..


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