Rosemarie's Intro

Rosemarie's Intro

A Chapter by Kaira_Writer

This is Rosemarie talking about her and her hometown.

    Hey my name is Rosemarie King.I am like 12 now.I have things to tell you people about me and my hometown.First I have a best friend her name is Shealeigh Green.She's been my friend since kindergarten.She's the ONLY person in my grade that will talk to me and its not because she has a choice its because nobody really talks to her either.Anyways,I have a psychic connection with my cousin serial killer Gregg Jackson.Shealeigh also has a mental connection with her evil older sister 25-year-old Baylee Green.Shealeigh and me don't talk about are killer sister and cousin because it makes us really mad.
 Anyways,Shealeigh and me are gonna go trick r treating tonight but there's only one problem'I have to sneak out in order to go.That's because my parents think its not safe for us to go because they think I might get lost or my cousin Gregg will kill me.

© 2013 Kaira_Writer

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Did part of the chapter cut off at the end?

Other than that, good chapter! the voice of Rosemarie sounds very genuine. Looking forward to hearing more about the psychic connection

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks more will be added sometime tomorrow.

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1 Review
Added on December 4, 2013
Last Updated on December 5, 2013



Chicago, IL

I am fourteen.I really like writing horror books.Writing help's me become even more creative. The reason why there are writers in the world because we want people to read are great stories. It makes m.. more..

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