Our Sign!

Our Sign!

A Poem by Kamran Javed

How ways are align?
Achievement is our sign
That is our zeal
Let’s work for Zenith
Success is not a state to restore
This is call for now like an adore
Does sky set the limit?
Who can guarantee to make it sure?
Meet at where efforts explore
Where all things yours
Here assessment made by valuations
No confusion, we have better solutions

© 2013 Kamran Javed

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no confusion, we have better solutions.!
thats my favourite from all the poem.
loved the flow and the entire read but all i can say is that sometimes just let it take a natural flow.. dont force it to ryhme coz poetry does not have to always ryhme.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kamran Javed

11 Years Ago

It really makes you think as a reader, great work

Posted 11 Years Ago

The whole of people spirits connected in unity under one house shall grant prosperity and kindness to the flocks of earth, under all colors. That's what I get when I read your words. It's not so much about the things in the material world, but the unity and connectivity of people souls and their want for peace.

Nice Ink!
Aaron =)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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In our material world..Success is often measured by measurable parameters and that's sad sometimes.
Very thought-provoking!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on January 19, 2013
Last Updated on January 19, 2013


Kamran Javed
Kamran Javed

Karachi, Islam, Pakistan

You! You!

A Poem by Kamran Javed

Love! Love!

A Poem by Kamran Javed

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