

A Poem by M.King

{First attempt} Something that popped into my head.

In times of dread.  
Let it never be said.
The thoughts within my head.  
I think of the dead.  
I want to be unafraid.  

Although my head is full of fear.
I shall not shed, not one tear.  
For now it is made clear.  
I'm surrounded by those held dear.  

© 2013 M.King

Author's Note

I have never attempted a poem till now. I have no idea if it is good or bad, feedback is welcomed.

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I hope you don't mind, but while reading it I corrected it in my head by giving it a better flow:

In times of dread,
Let it never be said.
What I think in my head,
The thoughts of the dead.

I want to be unafraid.

Although my mind is filled with fear,
I shall not shed, not a single tear.
For now it has been made clear,
That I'm surround, by those who are dear.

Your poem is fine. Honestly, I'm here from taking a break from reading 'Chapter one' by you, and throughout the story, I have found tiny errors here and there, but I haven't finished it yet, and I might take awhile to. The length is quite daunting for me, albeit I love reading, my eyes have been hurting more frequent the more I read. So a review may take awhile.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

You've made the poem sound much better, thanks. Poems aren't really my thing but I thought I'd give.. read more

11 Years Ago

Its good you don't let that stop you, for the content is what's most important. I personally am bett.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 16, 2013
Last Updated on May 16, 2013
Tags: death, fear, mental, people, mind, thought



Wolverhampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom

I read, I write. If I like something I'll let you know and I hope to one day have a published book, it's on my bucket list. more..

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