

A Poem by bella

The fires engulfing  

Smell of gasoline enlightening

No longer the scent of oppression

No longer the feeling of fascism

Consuming us and scratching through our skin

Welcome to freedom

A liberated America


Glass ceiling is shattering

Along with cop car windows

No longer living in fear of our heroes

No longer scared of our protectors

Superman is gone the new fighters wear masks

Welcome to freedom

A liberated America

Who has the rights, the liberties

Not Jim crow he was killed years ago, or so they say  

No longer segregation

No longer  the bigotry

However, hate still resides in lady liberty  

Welcome to freedom

A liberated America

The man has been replaced

By the thousands used to being overlooked

No longer ignored

No longer  passive

Their time has come for an uprising

Welcome to freedom

A liberated America  

© 2018 bella

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LOVE THIS! Your message is powerful & empowering! I'm reminded of so many things, in particular, that Lady Liberty wants the poor & destitute, NOT just the rich & white. I love the way you suggest that the new wave coming will be every shade of the oppressed . . . and I'm so damn happy that hundreds of new women are running for office this year. Can't wait to clear the Congress of sycophant enablers! We are feeling crappy now, but sometimes a bad situation has to be so bad that people rise up & take back their power! I love this message! You've done it so well! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


your words are full of Life. Loved it

Posted 3 Years Ago

Bold and full of energy. this societal comment resonates a lot in the world today and definitely here at home. I like the Anarchy is meant to free the oppressed and not to just change opressors, although I think that given time that would happen anyway. powerhouse write...loved it!!!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Excellent work. Message is clear and relevant and the presentation is compelling. Thank you.

Posted 6 Years Ago

"give us your tired and hungry"---
where is the love and understanding that was supposed to be represented by Lady Liberty....she is certainly crying now.

Posted 6 Years Ago

WOW! Very powerful write here, like that last stanza.. this is really good

Posted 6 Years Ago

Keep on spreading the word! I particularly like the second line of your poem, as that is what is needed right NOW in America- enlightenment. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 6 Years Ago

"A liberated America" is a striking image, though probably different for different groups. As an amateur historian, I thought about the American Revolution. So many parallels to our struggles today. Still, I can see how certain groups look exclusively through today's lenses.

I appreciate and respect the passion you bring to your poetry. You certainly convey many common emotions, especially frustration with the status quo. If you're not familiar with Longfellow's poem, The Builders, I recommend it. Here's a relevant excerpt.

"All are architects of Fate,
Working in these walls of Time;
Some with massive deeds and great,
Some with ornaments of rhyme."

You're among the "architects" he'd include if alive today. Keep writing and sharing your work!

Posted 6 Years Ago

A powerful and worthwhile poem dear Bella. USA had a way to go still. With new President. We fall back 30 years in the fight for equal rights/freedom and peace. We must maintain the fight. Thank you Bella for sharing your amazing poetry and thoughts.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

LOVE THIS! Your message is powerful & empowering! I'm reminded of so many things, in particular, that Lady Liberty wants the poor & destitute, NOT just the rich & white. I love the way you suggest that the new wave coming will be every shade of the oppressed . . . and I'm so damn happy that hundreds of new women are running for office this year. Can't wait to clear the Congress of sycophant enablers! We are feeling crappy now, but sometimes a bad situation has to be so bad that people rise up & take back their power! I love this message! You've done it so well! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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11 Reviews
Added on January 15, 2018
Last Updated on January 15, 2018




I'm really just trying to gain confidence as a poet and hopefully get better. I have a lot to say unfortunately. Just a Jewish girl trying to help people and writing poetry along the way. Please.. more..

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A Poem by bella

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