First Duty

First Duty

A Chapter by ninay

I can feel it again! The air! As Gummy run faster and faster, the happier I became. I just missed this, me and Gummy together, not thinking about anything. Gummy also showed me the tricks she learned, and it was great. Gummy was now running and doing things she learned, we were so fast, but I'm not afraid. I trust her. She really did become faster and wiser as she pass on the obstacles. I am so proud of her right now!

Gummy then starts to slow after hours of running. "Oh! Gummy that was great! I'm so proud of you!" I said to her.

"She's been training hard your majesty, I think she's preparing cause she knew that you're gonna meet again someday" William informed me.

After that, I stayed there until sunset. I sat next to Gummy as William told me about what she was doing while I'm away. William told me It's really hard for him to wash Gummy, seems like she doesn't like to be bath by someone else than me. He said that sometime when, he let the horses free, Gummy trains herself while other horse just eats and relax. He said that she would run faster and faster, kind of like beating her own record. And she also trains how to jump, she would jump high fences to train herself, she really is a wise horse. It was fun seeing my two great friends!

I spent the night in my room, playing harp. I'm not very good at it but I am learning. I like the sound of harp, it's beautiful and soft, it's relaxing. Usually at time like this, Olivia was the only maid in my room. I told my father that I don't like too many maids after eight, for I would like to get ready for bed. But tonight I can't sleep, maybe because I'm so happy about seeing Gummy again. I can feel my body getting tired but my heart and my mind seems to have enough energy for the whole night.

Olivia was now standing in the corner of my room as I play my harp on a sofa. I looked at Olivia and she was staring in my hands, she was like, memorizing my movements.

"Would you like to learn how to play harp, Olivia?" she looked at me shockingly.

"Your majesty, forgive me but, it's the princess' harp and a servant like me should never touch princess' things."

"It's okay! C'mon I'll show you how it's done!"

"Oh no, your majesty, I don't need to learn it, I'm only a maid"

"Don't worry, I'll teach you because you're my friend and not because you're my maid. You are my friend right?"

"Uhm. Of course your majesty."

"Then come here, don't be shy."

"But your majesty the King...."

"Oh forget him, he's not even here, nobody's here, just you and me, nobody will see us. Trust me!"

"As you wish, your majesty."

Olivia was obviously nervous, as she moves her sweaty hands. I tried not to laugh, but she was really nervous, like I'm gonna kill her any moment! But its okay, at least she tries. I really wish that Olivia and I could be friends. If she became my friend, she would be the only friend I have that has the same age as me.

After that night. I spent the morning trying to learn more about playing harp. And also wondering about father. No studying or training today huh? I wonder why?

"Forgive my interruption your majesty but King Frederick wanted to see you, He said it was urgent" a matured looking servant with red hair, suddenly opened the door and informed me. Urgent? What could be urgent?

I walked fast to where my parents are. They were talking with serious faces, like they were arguing but not shouting. It looks like, father is telling something that mother doesn't approve.

"Your majesties, the princess, is here." The servant said. They both looked at me differently. Father looked at me like he wanted to say something to me all day, like he has thought of something brilliant, something that has something do with me. But my Mother looked at me like she was worried for me, like something is gonna happen to me that she doesn't want to happen but cannot do something about it.

"Penelope, we are going to be away. We are going to Tycor!" Father inform as he stands up and started to walk outside.

"Tycore?" I asked.

"Yes Penelope, to see the Rutherfords!" He said.

"What? Rutherfords? But father I do not understand!" I shouted at him he got inside the carriage.

"Don't worry dear, well only be away for weeks. We will just going to have to visit another Royal, the Rutherfords of Tycore. Okay?" Mother said.

I just nodded.

My parents are now gone! For weeks? How am I going to survive? What if something happens? What if we get attacked? I don't know what to do!

"Your majesty, I am Ronald and I will be assisting you with everything you need, everything, until the King and Queen returns" the servant informed me.

"Thanks Ronald, I really needed help, I don't know anything about running a country." I said to him as we headed back.

"Running the country is the least of your problem, your majesty. The King and Queen took care of that. They did everything, so you, your majesty won't have to worry about it."

"Okay. But Ronald? What's a Tycore?"

"It is a country, your majesty. A royal also runs that country, your majesty, the Ruth..."

"The Rutherfords. But what business you think my parent have with them? And why now? Is it emergency or something, my parents seems to be in a hurry."

"I'm not sure your majesty, but the King and Queen are trying to have some kind of business with them and the Rutherfords are not accepting it for years. But now something changed their minds and agreed to the deal."

"Business? Deal? What exactly it is Ronald?"

"I do not know your majesty. The King and Queen are the only ones that knows it."

"Okay. Enough with that. Now, tell what I needed to do."

"As I said earlier, your majesty, the King and Queen already took care of your people. The only thing you have to worry about, my princess is the castle."

"The castle?"

"That is correct your majesty. Everything inside the castle is in your hands. Every food, every animal, every servant and even rooms, but the greatest thing you have to watch out is the walls, your majesty."

"The walls?"

"Yes your majesty, you can assign any servant you want to watch the gates and the walls for you, but you have to make sure, that they are guarding every second of everyday. No one is allowed to leave or enter the castle without you knowing it, your majesty. So you have to know every person that goes through the gates. If someone comes, or leaves, you need to know who that is, you need to know their reasons and you have to decide, if you are gonna let them."

"Ronald? Why are talking like it's a big deal? Anyone who wishes to see the castle can go visit it anytime!"

"No, your majesty. You do not understand, the safety of the castle is in your hands. If you will be allowing any person to come whenever they want, you will be putting every life at risk, including yours, your majesty. Someone can attack us so easily if you do that, which is why you have to watch the people passing through that gate."

"Oh! Okay. Now I'm scared! It such a big deal, every person's lives in this castle is now in my hands!"

"Forgive me your majesty."

"Oh no, it's not your fault."

After, Ronald informing about my duty, I forgot how to breathe knowing my first duty as a princess is such a big thing!

© 2015 ninay

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Added on August 2, 2015
Last Updated on August 2, 2015




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