The battle of two

The battle of two

A Poem by Stephen

A struggle ensues, 

a battle rages! 
it's for my soul,
the two engages

Valuable is this soul, 
to the two involved
they use their tactics, 
gaining the soul they are resolved

The soul opens to, 
the one it chooses 
to rule it's life,
the other it refuses

Very tempted,
is the soul
to accept the flesh,
but it must pay it's toll

for it goes not without price, 
your soul you must lose
that is the payment, 
that is the flesh's ruse

He gives you the world,
and temporary desires fufilled 
success is his campaigner,
hope by him is instilled

but when life ends, 
where is he?
where's the gifts given?
will it come with thee?
in the grave, 
is where it will all be..

Who is the other you ask?
it's the spirit you see
the spirit of man, 
he offers eternity

Give him your soul, 
and he will make you free
for it's heaven 
that he offers thee

© 2015 Stephen

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Very nice write of giving yourself to receive redemption. Very enjoyable reading and a very strong message. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for the appraisal and thanks for reading!
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~~ i agree... ~~ a human being's spirit is the most important part of a human being... for it alone holds the key to one's well-being... ~~ we take nothing with us when we die... and even if we leave things behind... people who matter tend to remember the spirit with which we lived...

Posted 9 Years Ago

I like the wonderful choice of words. I was able to imagine the complexity and splendid meaning of your poem.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for taking the time to read and appraise my poem. I appreciate the good things you had to say.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on May 27, 2015
Last Updated on May 27, 2015
Tags: eternity, flesh, soul, spirit, battle, war, battleground. heaven, world



Pensacola , FL

I am very interested in writing. Love to read others writings and really find the meaning within that writing. I love to write to be able to hopefully add meaning to others lives or help them in a tim.. more..
