Breaking the News...I Think

Breaking the News...I Think

A Chapter by oliver

I cried softly to myself as i walked home silently, lost in my own thought that were buzzing through my head like a billion bees. How could this happen to me? I had some much going on. So much that was good in my life; things that promised I was going to get somewhere far in life. And now it's all ruined because of my mistake; the mistake i want to take back a hundred times over, just to make things the way they were before.
I turned the corner of my street and inhaled deeply. Too concerned with what was going to happen, I hadn't realized iI'd gotten there so quickly. I'm sure my face was as pale as could be, and I'm sure that if my body could have the choice, I would of gotten sick right that momment. But instead I tried to remain calm, so i continued to walk slowly toward my house.
This was it; to see if my parents would still accept me as I am, even after my horrilbe mistake. To see if they really loved me for who i was, or who they wanted me to be. To see it they would still support me no matter what my choices are.
I stopped in front of my house, and looked at it.
The pale yellow made the house stand out from all the others on the block. The forest green shutters framed the windows nicely, while the freshly painted porch made the house look clean and welcoming to passerbyers. But if people only new what the house new; went on inside the house. If only they new how segragrated the family that lived inside it was, how miserable they were. Also how they never once showed that they were sad, or mad, or anything really. They just lived their own seperate lives.
I started the walk towards the welcoming porch, although I really didn't want to go anywhere near it. I wanted to rewind and start over.
I walked up to the door, pulled the screen open, then pushed the heavy wood door open. Instenly i was greeted by emptyness.
The indside of the house was completely opposite from the outside; blan and boring; cream walls, cream funiture, white carpets, wood floors and so own. No pictures, no colors, nothing that stood out, which represented the "family" that lived in it.
Then it hit me. I didn't want to tell my parents what happened. I didn't want to hear what they would say, or see what they would do. But I knew I had to. I glided towards the stair, not even knowing I moved my feet more then an inch, but somehow I did. I slowly walked upstair, ignoring my thoughts telling me to just go to my room and hide.
I walked down the wide hallway and made my way up to my fathers study. The door was closed so I knoked gently.
 "Come in," my fathers husky voice called.
I gently pushed the door open, and walked in, taking a seat in one of the brown leather chairs that were on the opposite side of the desk then his big leather chair, like the ones they have at big offices that were important, but yet again not important, to society.
My father was a very...well how do you say? I guess the word would be controlling. He was a person full of authority, and you could probably tell if you saw him. He was a psychiatrist, and was dedicated to his job, probably more then his family. He spent most of his time in his study, working on who knows what. So I rarely saw hime, except if were weren't at home, like at dinner, or a family members house.
 "What do you need?" he asked, not looking up from his papers.
I paused to gather my words.
 "Um, is mom home yet?" I asked quietly. He then looked up, and slid his glasses off his nose and setting them on a pile of papers that covered his desk.
 "No," he said, "she won't be here for about two hours. Why?"
I thought for a moment.
 "Oh, no reason, just curious is all," I lied. I stood up then and walked out the room. How could I just give up so easily. I walked further down the hallway to my room, which was different then all the others in the entire house. How? Well it was full of color. The walls were a bight shade of orange, and had an accent wall of blue that also covered the cieling. The walls were also covered in pictures and posters of everything i liked. The floor hardwood, but covered with a bright, lime green rug that almost covered the entire floor. If things turned out how i hoped they wouldn't, well i sure was going to miss this place.

© 2008 oliver

Author's Note

sorry for grammar

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Added on February 28, 2008




my name is olivia. people call me olive, or oliver, or liv, or...well peole call me a lot of different names, i'm 14 (turning 15 in april...YAY) i love writing, even if i'm still an amature at it (or .. more..
