Chapter 1 - My First and Beginning of Changes

Chapter 1 - My First and Beginning of Changes

A Chapter by Eisho Shu

Haku's father is strict but on the day when Haku gained a little more freedom... something unexpected happened.


Mari: “Haku, shouldn’t you hurry? Just because dad got transferred yesterday, it doesn’t mean you can be late for club right?”


Me: “What? Oh crap, I am going to be late!”


As I am eating breakfast with my little sister Mari, she point out the time. The high school soccer club I’m in has morning practice every Monday and Friday. It is so annoying, I didn’t want to join a club but dad forced me to.


Secili: “You know, if the morning practice is too hard for you, you can just quit. I will talk to dad about it.”


Me: “It’s alright, I kind of like soccer anyways.”


Mom is always nice to us. She is very considerate and probably the best mom one can ask for. As long as we have a good reason, she will let us do it. A good example is like two weeks ago, Mari and I, along with some friends wanted to hang out at a karaoke café. Mom told dad I had late night practice and Mari was helping her teacher. I don’t think many mother would do this.


Secili: “Okay, just give me a minute then.”


Me: “Sorry, I don’t have time. I’m off for practice now.”


I start running as soon as I leave the door. We have a match coming up so I can’t effort to be late. My dad will yell at me again if I don’t make it as regular this time. I think I heard something back home after a few second I left but I have to hurry.


Captain: “Haku! Is Haku here?”


Me: “Sorry, I’m here captain Jun. There was a bit of traffic.”


Jun: “Alright, hurry up and get changed. We are starting in 10 minutes.”


Me: “Aye.”


I run off and get changed within 5 minutes. I run back to the field and everyone is eager to start. Today is the day we select our players. I am in the wing-back position. I really hate it but this position is very important. If I pick an easy position and can’t even become a regular, I don’t know what my dad would do to me.


The practice goes on for an hour. Over all, the practice went well and I think I have a good chance to be a regular this time.


Jun: “Coach and I will decide the players for next upcoming match. Make sure to come here during lunch break. The class is going to start in 30 minutes, everyone cleanup and go to class.”


After Jun disperses the group, we take our shower and head strait to class. From the field to main building, it is a 3 minute walk. I know this school is big but there is no need to put the soccer field so far away is there? My class is even at the farthest end of the building. I got to hurry.


As I am rushing to class, I pass by Mari.


Mari: “Haku, wait a second, I need to give you something.”


Mari said while the bell is ringing, I don’t have time for this.


Me: “Sorry, you know my class is far away from here. I will take whatever you want to give me later, bye.”


I run off as soon as I finish talking. I feel like I have run a marathon this morning. I had to run to catch the bus, then there is the hour long soccer practice, and now I’m running to my class. I don’t really hate running but this is too much.


By the time I get to my class, the bell had stop ringing. Great, I am late because Mari called me out earlier. I don’t care how cute she may be, but the ways she sticks to me really bring me trouble time to time.


Teacher: “You are late again, Haku!”


How the hell does she know? I didn’t even open the door to the room yet. Well, my teacher is actually someone I can consider as childhood friend. Her name is Mami Suzumi. After taking a deep breath, I slowly open the door.


Me: “How did you know it was me?”


Mami: “You are the only one missing right now. Who else would stand by the door like you did? Your father even called me yesterday to make sure you do not slack off.”


Me: “You know… That is the reason you never had a boyfriend, Miss Suzumi. You take your duty way too seriously. You are already 25, you better ease up and find yourself a man.”


Some people laugh a little. I use lines similar to the one I just did often. However, most people still find it funny since Mami would turn peach red.




Me: “YES MA’AM!”


I close the door and stand in the half for the time. I can still hear the class material but I really wish she would let me drop my bag at my table first. Maybe I should’ve just walk around the class and put my bag down then come back out. I can imagine the face she would make already. Then again, I already angered her, I should take it easy or else she will report it to my dad. After the time is up, I attend rest of the class normally until lunch.


Me: “Alright, I better get to the field right now.”


Boy: “Haku, what is the rush?”


Me: “Oh Ken, the captain is going to announce the regulars.


Ken: “Okay, good luck.”


Me: “Thanks!”


I try to rush to the field immediately but I got stopped by Mari again.


Mari: “Haku, here.”


She hand me a box. Wait a second, is this my lunch? I can’t believe I forgot to grab my lunch this morning.


Me: “Oh, I guess I forgot to take it this morning. Thanks, mom’s cooking is amazing. I wouldn’t like it if I missed out on it.”


Mari: “Oh? I’m sorry but the one mom make is this one.”


Mari shows me another box. Wait a second, what is this lunch box in my hand then.


Mari: “Curious?”


Me: “Don’t tell me…”


Mari: “Yep, I made that one. You are happy aren’t you? Not everyone get to eat their little sister’s homemade cooking filled with love”


Me: “Right…”


Depends on the food she make, it can be either by heavenly or deadly. I don’t know how but her cooking skill is extremely… unique. But as I am worrying about the food, the sky turned red. There are things flying over the sky when I take a closer look.


Mari: “What… is that?”


Me: “No idea, meteors?”


Everyone is looking at the sky and filled with wonder. I hear people saying it is the end of the world and everyone is going to die.  Then I hear a statement I cannot ignore.


???: “Is this what the U.N. was trying to tell us on the news last week?”


Right, they make a worldwide announcement about some kind of alien message. I desperately try to remember the detail of the message.


Me: “The alien message… It was talking about us being a dying race or something. Then… what else were there?”


Mari: “Us being a destructive race but they are willing to do something for us. They created a new race called Magidian, but that race may end up accelerate our extinction instead.”


Me: “I’m surprised. You actually remember all that?”


Mari: “It is something you took interest in. There is no way I could forget. I’m your little sister after all.”


No, little sister shouldn’t care about her old brother’s interest. Sometimes I am a little scared at what Mari will do. I honestly don’t understand why she loves me so much.


Me: “So basically, those things are Magidian? I wonder what they are li...”


Before I get to finish, one of the red fireball fly towards us. All of us drop down to the floor but nothing happened. It fall down at a very fast speed, why is there no impact? Am I in some kind of dream? Some of us slowly stand up and look out. The soccer field is a mess. Also, I can see some of the follow club member on the floor, not moving. In the very middle of the field, there is a giant sphere letting out white smoke all over.


Me: “S**t, what the hell is that thing.”


I can’t help but run towards the field. Luckily, it seems like all of them are still breathing.


Mari: “They are okay, right?”


Me: “I think so, but this… thing. What is it?”


Ken: “It looks like a capsule. Or maybe is some kind of life pod. Whatever it is, it doesn’t look like it will be dangerous.”


Me: “A life pod? So you mean the Magidian is inside?”


Ken: “Possibly, I am just trying to think positive here.”


That may be true but Ken always has a sharp intuition. I play games with him time to time and almost every time he decide to try something new, it works our perfectly.


Mari: “But it is not opening up.”


Ken: “Maybe someone will have to open it up.”


We look at each other but no one nearby is willing to do it. I mean, it is something unknown to us and who knows if Magidian is really inside.


Me: “Ken, you go do it. You are the one suggest it.”


Ken: “No way, why do I have to do it. Shouldn’t something like this be done with a person closes to a main character of anime or manga?”


Me: “Why are you looking at me like that? I am not like that.”


Mari: “Haku as a main character? Then I guess I am the cute and loving little sister then.”


Ken: “That’s right, now go! Hero Haku! Fulfill your duty as the hero.”


Me: “Sigh, alright fine. Just stop it, it’s embarrassing.”


I walk over to the capsule. Surprisingly, it is not hot or anything. Normally when something enters the atmosphere, shouldn’t it generate so much heat that it may even melt metal? I guess alien technology really is on another level.


After I examine the capsule for 10 minutes, I finally figure out how to open it. As I open it up, there is a girl inside. A beautiful teenage girl with green hair and large breast. I looked back at Ken and Mari for a second. Ken is staring at the girl but Mari is staring at me instead. I don’t understand why she is looking at me like that at all.


I look back to check on this girl a little more. This girl is sleeping while standing, no; the capsule was tight sealed so she was sleeping trapped. However, she slowly opens her eye and look at me.


Me: “Ah unhmm… Good morning?”


Girl: “stakns utoak”


What did she say? Is that the alien language? Before I can think of a way to communicate with her, she leans towards me and kisses me. This is my first kiss too; I can’t believe my first kiss is with an alien. This completely surprised me and I can feel my mind going blank. I don't know what will happen to me, but I hope is nothing bad.

© 2016 Eisho Shu

My Review

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What a place to leave off. I love it. Great job. You got me hooked.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Eisho Shu

8 Years Ago

All hail the cliff hanger. I might generate negative reviews but I personally enjoy cliff hanger.
Tsubaki Kuro

8 Years Ago

So do I. :)

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1 Review
Added on March 11, 2016
Last Updated on March 13, 2016
Tags: slice of life, school, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy


Eisho Shu
Eisho Shu

Chicago, IL

I love games and anime. Then I pick up visual novel and eventually that got me into some Japanese light novel and Web novel. That is what brings me here to try and start my own story. My pen name is a.. more..
