Forever Yours

Forever Yours

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Agony - Album on Imgur

(album on Ingur)
Forever Yours
thunder shakes loose the lightning 
rips apart roiling dark clouds and 

the rain pours down

the sagacity of her apophony astounds the most astute
her leisure hours spent to weary dowers 
they fall leaden at her feet
she skewers them on pikes

"Can't we get back the way it was? ... "  she said.

i couldn't speak

i was dumbed numb

it was the words
it was the presentation
it was all of that on steroid replay

hitting the mark ... constricting chest to throat


                             words                                worlds

haven't the heart to toss it
perhaps just sell my lot and stock 


her breast wears  hard rocks
she filed away her pounding nails
while flailing at her skillet
drawing them out red hot and ready

her breath came rasped and rattled
and cursed her conscience battled

my defense badly mounted
cut short and pronounced
                                                                     helplessly guilty
helplessly guilty

You gave me everything then
You gave me no ...................thing
                                                                     the no thing was more
and you wanted me to follow you  .................. a real something 
some                            thing
tuning my ear with your bending strings and 
cry                                     cry                              cry
wanting money, your fame how you
try                                      try                              try
what about good bye?

© 2020 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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These lines speak to me of how people can find themselves on different pathways within a relationship. It sort of creeps up over you and then you realise that the person you thought you were perfectly in tune with has already left the building in spirit if not in body. It is a painful experience and I can feel the conflict here. You are worlds apart. Their values are not yours. When it gets to that stage, goodbye is the best solution. You can not live a lie. I felt the storm Mr E. It was raging, it was torture.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thank you Chris :)


I have a feeling it would take little work to make this a song:)
this reads like a subconscious string of thoughts in a brief photographic images as the lines melt into a feeling and then the lost possibility of what was or could of been leaves a lingering lament of longing and loss in a giant exclamation point at the end. I had to come back to this many times to fully absorb a very fine write good sir

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

its the best of friends that keep coming back Bunny Boy ..thank you so very much for absorbing .. an.. read more
It has become such a joy to watch you using your tools, your vocabulary and your mind to produce masterpieces such as this. I am in awe, quite simply. And that is before I get to the subject matter. I'll have to come back to this after I've finished painting.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

you can smudge my pages any time after you paint Sir Ken ... thank you always for taking time and fo.. read more
Ken Simm.

4 Years Ago

I've come back as I said but only to find that I revel in your skill once more.
The main thru.. read more
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thanks Ken ... much respect your way my friend ...i appreciate you taking time to return and read ag.. read more
Very nice poem about a rocky relationship. I've had many of those relationships where I hurt everyone, sometimes it's best to let go.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

you got that right JungLee ... and so tragic when neither party can make that choice to say good bye.. read more

4 Years Ago

See you around c:
A touching poem sir with wonderful wording and phraseology. Every line is an emotive treat down your memory lane of love forsaken. Usage of skillet denotes a lot. Her description at the first verses is out of this world. I see a story that needs to be written and sold...

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

Sami! your comments have brought blood to my face .. no kidding .. i am so humbled and appreciative .. read more
Sami Khalil

4 Years Ago

Big hugs and love. You are welcome and deserving .
"tuning my ear with your bending strings and
cry cry cry
wanting money, your fame"

Posted 4 Years Ago

"helplessly guilty

You gave me everything then
You gave me no ...................thing
the no thing was more"

Posted 4 Years Ago

"i couldn't speak

i was dumbed numb

it was the words"

Posted 4 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

4 Years Ago

Hehehe. You are welcome sir Eistein Noodle. Peace, love and harmony from the Cheahah to the Ozark...
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

4 Years Ago

I love how you described her ice hot rage
"her breast wears hard rocks
she filed away her pounding nails
while flailing at her skillet
drawing them out red hot and ready

her breath came rasped and rattled
and cursed her conscience battled

this feels like the thick of an emotional battle, I've held and served out those rocks myself on occasion, right after I find myself too indignant to not throw them with care, they just go flying everywhere, tempers, hardest thing to do in this world sometimes is to do nothing when you feel you've been unjustly accused, but its sound more like in this instance a good defense is hell fire offense. very well written, we all have rocks my friend.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

how fine your honesty Corset ... makes me chuckle ... yes .. how difficult indeed when flailed and i.. read more

4 Years Ago

as you have just made mine :D
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

;) ......................
These lines speak to me of how people can find themselves on different pathways within a relationship. It sort of creeps up over you and then you realise that the person you thought you were perfectly in tune with has already left the building in spirit if not in body. It is a painful experience and I can feel the conflict here. You are worlds apart. Their values are not yours. When it gets to that stage, goodbye is the best solution. You can not live a lie. I felt the storm Mr E. It was raging, it was torture.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

thank you Chris :)
another stunning poem, E, with the helplessly guilty line and destructivelove you gave me nothing, some powerfulwords conveying that disbelief from the man about who/what is the problem, good stuff, good stuff, E,

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

we can get in a fix at times can't we gram?! :( either should say goodbye .. neither will ... thanks.. read more
gram linski

4 Years Ago

always good to see a new Noddle posting, E, hope you are well,
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

we are gram ... wishing you the same of course :)

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33 Reviews
Added on April 6, 2020
Last Updated on April 7, 2020


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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